Child's Play remake looks like shit

1  2019-02-08 by Grillskillz


The last Chuck movie isn't even a year old yet, ffs.

Aren't they all shit?

No the first two are fucking hilarious. Rest are shit though, the newest one was gay as hell too. I'm so lonely.

Bride of Chucks is great.

Why would they remake this? The older ones hold up quite well. They all went to shit after 2 though.

The original script was more of a mystery. There was no voodoo ceremony or Charles Lee Ray; just bodies piling up and the kid swearing to Christ that it was the doll killing them.

If you're going to reboot it, that could be fun.

Or you could do a wholly uninspiring retread.

Jennifer tilly's tits or I'm not seeing it

Maybe. But it's hard to find a Brad Dourif movie that isn't entertaining.

Thank you. the man is an insane treasure. Also he was one of the best in Deadwood


Watch Stephen King's Graveyard Shift. He absolutely kills it as a Vietnam vet/Exterminator. Probably his best role.

shit I think i've seen that but definitely have to give it another watch

The twist is CHucky is made of toxic shit from China