Fuck all O&A Discord members

1  2019-02-08 by YangtzeRiverChina

Seriously. You felt the need to form a fucking splinter cell because people didn't like you on a message board. Fuck. You.




Obvious Porsalin alt is obvious

That sounds like an elite gang of super hackers to me.

Wheels & the Weebman, a midget,4 faggots & a fat lady. I'd be careful around that lot.

More than half that group is collecting disability cheque’s.


Wasn’t Daly the guy who posted Opie and bro Joe cum tributes?

Sounds like him lol

i dont know what discord is and will never find out

its like skype

but why?

it's not like skype at all. it's just a chatroom service.

I haven't heard the word chatroom since To Catch a Predator was on the air.

...where do I sign up?

And runs in a browser.

An AOL chatroom?

except with more pedophiles

it's more like AOL chatrooms than irc


Late 20's, why?


Open bob baby

We just say “age” now, don’t care about s/l

So progressive

Fischer Price IRC were you are 100% certain your GUID is linked to everything you say and saved

It truly doesn't matter. No effect on your life.

It’s a place where people come together over a similar interest in addition to pedophilia.

Lol I'm still bewildered you 60 year olds figured out reddit

And fuck all you Twitter responders

Beat me to it, FUCK

Tip of my tongue sniff

Ever meet any non famous people in real life with an active Twitter account? self obsessed losers, all of them.

Brother Joe.

Perfect example.

and first responders too!

They are a bunch of clannish faggots that want to run this sub behind the scenes. Hmmm, what ethnic group is that reminiscent of?



The less successful brethren of the jews



Are they the idiots responsible for all of the stupid "faggot" and "beefer" shitposting?

No, that would be the regular contributors

I hate beefers because I'm a faggot

L'chaim! You'd all be dead if it wasn't for Ben Dovid!


murder all whites

That’s an extremist worldview, being a white man i strongly disagree with this offensive statement.

being a white man

nice zog brains, stupid

Me?? Are you nuts, I wouldn’t threaten to shoot anyone.

something about bullets in your area or something like that. That shit was so fucking hilarious, if you posted this stuf more you could be a full time lolcow

I don’t think so blood & what’s a lolcow?

They really got put on the map by their overwhelmingly negative butthurt response to porsalin's MDE documentary that they started stalking and harassing him. Put 2 and 2 together.


Geckos rule, bitch!

Oh is that your little name for each other? That's cute as the dickens.

I liked the game splinter cell

The first and third were amazing games, then it just went shit


You must really love it then

I liked the FBI missions

> You felt the need to form a fucking splinter cell

I hope I can one day use this sentence in my everyday life

You just did ;)

Sounds Jewish

Everything but the splinter part. Jesus was the sandy koufax of working with your hands.

Discord is still a thing?

And you felt the need to make this post.

And you started it with "Seriously."


They joined an app meant for gamers to discuss this subreddit



What are they, an extremist pro-cumia sect conducting jihad on his behalf?

I find their shenanigans to be endearing yet a little over the top at times.

Why does an O&A discord even exist? What do you guys talk about? Do you tell spooky stories when the lights are off like a sleepover?

It's usually scheming to spam CP on Braun's discord.

They pretend it’s a joke but they’re jacking to those kids

It was just a chat room where some members came and talked about shared shit from the internet. It wasn’t law that it had to be O&A related. Most of the people there felt the sub kinda sucks

what dastardly shenanigans have they been up to this time?

Discord is for faggots

I agree. You faggots haven’t liked me in years and I still don’t dox people like a bitch.

A flase flat operation

"Discord!, why whats wrong with Datcord"? Tssss Tssss!

You mean the one that was linked from the sidebar for a while? I looked in there out of curiosity, didn't see any sub/ona talk at all.

I mean I am not on Discord but aren't we kind of a splinter cell from Wackbag? Those fags are still puttering along over there.

but why?

An AOL chatroom?

Fischer Price IRC were you are 100% certain your GUID is linked to everything you say and saved