Can you feel the excitement?

1  2019-02-08 by StuntPeckah



Imagine being on the business end of one of his farts.

I can more than imagine it. My ex wife looked just like that and I was on the ass end of her farts evert night

I can't believe you would actually admit this. I feel a strange sort of respect, but I also think you should be consumed by shame.

What'd her pussy smell like?


Honey baked or smoked?


It's the only way I can cum.

Hes looking up what a dick looks like. Hes never seen his

oh, I don't think that's true. He couldn't have been born this way.

His blue shoes make me want to saw his toes off

Diabetes will claim them soon enough

The "Faggot" bit is for lack wits

I'm still hilarious!

ITT: a bunch of salty faggots

don't waste this username. i want to see you mimic his smug, upvote-ready comment style and see how many lapdogs you can fool before they notice

Do you think Beige is one of (((them)))?


It was good because it looked like you called yourself a faggot HAHAHA HOLY SHIT. It's funny because it's true.


Why do you guys keep putting my photo on this sub?

Maybe we should go back to trading lentil soup recipes?

Jesse "The Blobby" Ventura.


peak performance with all that athletic clothes

See? I knew Joe could lose the weight. Well done Joe! Only a couple more!

Are all the people on this sub middle aged nibbas

Sweet tattoos.

That poor bench

Where’s the truck parked? Many questions in this pic.