With all the butt hurt with black face, how did Howard stern get away with this? It’s weirdly funny...

1  2019-02-07 by Sippycupofpee


It’s almost as if the media “arbitrarily” chooses who to go after


That clip from the Ch 9 show is pretty damning, but this particular clip isn't just Stern in blackface. This is Stern making fun of Ted Dansen dressing in blackface. Here, the point of dressing in blackface is to illustrate how awful it is to dress in blackface.

But that Ch 9 show clip is just straight up racist bullshit.

What's weird about it? It's a Jew pretending to be a WASP pretending to be a nigger married to Sherman Helmsley who's pretending to be Whoopi Goldberg. That's just funny.

I wish Stern would get taken to task by the pc police in the age of the internet. He's become such a fucking pussy he couldn't handle it even though he has fuck you money. He sounded suicidal a few years ago when The NY Post called him an Idiot for something he said. Nothing would happen either. Sirius is never going to get rid of him. That's why they're scrubbing his back catalogue of shit like this because they're going to be playing his show years after he's retired.

Howard did all kinds of black face in those days. He used to wear a flat top afro wig with a Malcolm X hat and pretend to be black, dressed up like Clarence Thomas with giant lips, etc.

Stern was smart in that most, if not all of his black face moments were co-signed by a black person (Petey Greene, Sherman, etc...). And he had Robin offering the counterpoint. Also he has such a back catalog that he can use the "We went after everyone defense".

It seemed to work, as I've been on black and liberal boards, where the old stuff has been brought up, and folks give him a pass as a "professional troll" or "satirist" . The conversation fizzles out.

Also Stern is smart about most social media, he doesn't comment, or offer uncontrolled interviews after any gossip or misstep. You don't get any Cumia moments from him.

You don't get any Cumia moments from him.

Hoo-hoo, you're not people, Robin.

(((You know how)))

Because he was known for this kind of shit.

Ted Danson and Whoopi Goldberg