How did he worm his way into this gig?

1  2019-02-07 by supercam2121

This might be old news but I was listening to everyone's favorite Olive Garden Italian, Sebastian Maniscalco on the Danny Devito Experience yesterday and he spoke about being in The Irishman, which is Scorsese's next movie starring De Niro, Pacino, and Pesci. Liberace Maniscalco then tells Rogan that the fucking worm Norton is playing DON RICKLES in the movie.


How is this not taking over the sub? Can you imagine the pictures he's been begging for on set?


Sebastian is hot right now. I see him showing up everywhere. Local radio DJs are talking about him. Wonder how long this will last

Bob likes Jim. Jim kissed his and Taylor Hackman's ass for The Comedian and he made an impression.

It’s been talked about before but, last I checked, he is not listed on the IMDB page for it and it’s suspected his part was left on the editing room floor.

What a roller coaster of emotions that was

This reminds me of the project Mormon was working on where he released pictures of himself dressed as a street walker in drag. What was that for and was it ever released?

That was just for his family Christmas card.

Norton looks like Rickles in the face but can't act and can't do impressions. Rickles deserved better.