Bill Burr is still doing the Patrice benefit because he's setting the precedent of continually supporting the dead beat work shy girlfriend/wife if anything happens to him.

1  2019-02-07 by JoeCumiaIsaRapist

I'm not even joking.


I like this idea. Poor bill

I thought Von doesn’t get anything; the benefit is for Patrice’s Mom and maybe his sister.

Yeah but isn’t his sister like a crackhead or something lol. It’s a good thing to help remember Patrice either way.

I didn't know that DICKHEAD FUCKFACE!

But you still keep this up because you want upvotes, shitdick

Leave it alone.

You may have actually brought up an interesting theory: Nia is also dipping in the Patrice fund.

good i hope he works himself to death. tomorrow.

United Deadbeat Nigger Fund didn't sound right to him for his charity.

In all seriousness, Bill Burr must love

Their cinematography and storylines are top tier.

From the people who brought you - every other form of entertainment in America -

If bill burr dies id like to see nia and their dumb nigger kid go to a soup kitchen and have bobo serve them

For all the hours of material Patrice and Bill did on women it's kind of funny to see how they both ended up with two awful cunts.