1  2019-02-07 by Every1ShouldBKilled


Nice stealing my material, stupid

Your belly button looks like Artie’s nose, dumbbell

so when do we get the big titties one?


Is there a disgusting cunt emoji ?


Love you sweety

What do you do when your pH balance is off and you get that not so fresh feeling?

Pussy chug Clorox

Someone needs to makea sloppy lipped twat with fumes coming off it emoji

Fat blue haired cunt with tattoos emoji.

So were is the bloody rag emoji?????

Where's the cavernous cunt-hole emoji?

I think its the same as the white power one 👌


Where's the cavernous whorish meat tunnel emoji?

You're finished, capitalism!

I'm enjoying the rightful devaluing of their profession. They're a bunch of pussies who were scared to major in something technical but talk down to everyone else as if they're smarter.

Hell yeah STEM crew we outchea

They force too many minos through for pr reasons. Even many stem assholes are pompous shitbags

With $100k a year jobs at 24 years old

Dumb nigger.

I have a ba in history and I'll say that everybody in the humanities who thinks that there's a scientific method to be applied to their field is a delusional, pretentious, typically "progressive", shithead

The scientific method is necessary but not sufficient for scientific inquiry. I can use the scientific method to buy a new pair of shoes (hypothesis: these shoes look good and will fit and be a good addition to my wardrobe. test: put the shoes on. results: the shoes fit and indeed are a good fit), that doesn't make me buying shoes a scientific event. Same with all these humanities fags who think using the scientific methods somehow gives their Jew propaganda field any intellectual merit. It doesn't, Kike.

Nice control, stupid.

The control is the current shoes I'm wearing, which are known to fit well.

Author mad she never even had a little one crammed in her dunce hole

Or was diddled by her stepfather, and now we all suffer thanks to his shenanigans.

Have you ever been with a molested woman? They’re definitely not prudes.

No because most of them become dikes.

I don’t think so. Most seem to become major whores.

Major Whores was Brother Joe's commanding officer

oi wuz roiped

Got this from the Peterson sub; one of the funnier comments for this was "Learn to code by THIIIIIIIIIS much"...

I like how the yellow one is the biggest. Asian people and their tiny dicks amirite?

World renowned for penis size the Jews spread the small penis lie.

Yeah I can't imagine Larry David pulling out a Liam Neeson. That's why they are obsessed with status and money

Turns out.... they're all women.

Yes because we all know the weakness of capitalism is tiny penises

Something about China and communism. I'm too drunk and lazy to structure a joke using these components.

Hold up i got you...So what's the deal with the Chinese Communists? Why are there penises so small?! I mean come on!

Are you the real Louis?

We're related thru marriage

Lol it's almost as if they don't even think about what they're saying, they just paint by numbers.

Journalists are faggots, glad all of them are losing their jobs. Keep it coming capitalism!

I am absolutely disgusted by modern journalism. My grandfather got shot in the middle east and saw the decaying bodies of the Jonestown massacre for journalism. But I guess all he needed to do was say "lol white, amirite?" to earn a living and call himself a journalist

Body shaming is cool now i guess.

ahhahaha exactly. It's almost like these people make it up as they go along.

*(((these people)))

New emjois for your smart phone that you get a new one of every year will help you smash capitalism.

Affluent Jewish female mentality. The most materialistic and money hungry pack of heathens, ironically with no joke intended, favor Marxism.

A true enemy of the people

Where's the big vagina emoji?

This is gonna take down men and...uh....capitalism?

Capitalism may never recover after this.

Vice seems like a gay faggot organization

incidentally, it was founded by gay faggots

gay faggot organization

Gavin McInnes. That's all I have to say about that

and you just gave us a name

No need to say more publicly

Why is the yellow hand the first one, Vice? Got something against Asians? That's their culture, bigot!

I'm going to be really shocked if an emoji ever shatters capitalism.

Oh boy oh boy! Masculinity and capitalist, it was a field day for Meredith!

A capitalist "news" site that claims to hate capitalism...groundbreaking

fuck they got us man checkmate

All skin tones, including jaundice.

aka "Nana yellow"

These people aren't journalists, with many of them literally disinformation and destabilization agents.

Is there a guillotine emoji?

theyre just bloggers, but corporate

Nothing says shattering capitalism like worshipping an emoji on the new Apple update

When you need an emoji to demonstrate the chances that any self-respecting man would ever fuck Meredith Balkur.

And if you reply with an album of incredibly high quality well lit cock shots I would assume your the villain.

Is there a Learn to Code Emoji to per-emptively mock the soon to be unemployed?

I hear the brown ones imply being a cotton picker.

I remember taking journalism in high school and thinking it was a serious profession


Shattering masculinity and capitalism.

What the fuck is wrong with these assholes? These faggots oppose literally everything that built this country and think a cartoon hand is going to take it down.

In brooklyn the males and culture are so weak that women in their 20's have been given complete control over that micro society. They all right their blogs and have all the weak males lap it up like trained dogs. But once they try to push their heeby feminist malarkey on the rest of us, they promptly get shit air blasted into thier cunts

REMINDER: thephrase "enemey of the people" makes jews shake in their boots

It’s cause penis size is all a women has over a man

Jewish females are an enemy of the people.

Can’t imagine why they’re laying off staff....

How will capitalism survive this? I'm packing up and going to Venezuela

I don't feel mocked but it's ridiculous to make the yellow one biggest.

This is unnecessary. I'll stick to calling people niggers and faggots, thank you very much.

No this is what the emoji was meant for

If an emoji can shatter a man’s masculinity.. then he was about as masculine as Jim Norton to begin with.

I wonder why journalists are getting fired by the 100s and the average American distrusts and despises them?

How many people did they have to lay off again ?

I wonder if there's going to be a "Unemployed blogger"-emoji soon.

I don’t need emojis to know my penis is tiny

What about the BIG vagina emoji

There are no actual journalists at Vice

The Buzzfeed layoffs were happening and this lady tweeted something like how horrible it was since they all did so much to shape modern journalism. Bitch said this without a hint of irony. Clickbait garbage needs to go.

Dumb jewish cunt is against capitalism but gets the new phone every season and is always looking stylish in her on-brand clothing. She despises the yucky free market and discusses it over sushi and the new hot restaurant.

All affluent jewish women need to be rounded up and burned in a heap

So now someone needs to make a stinky fish emoji for women.

Have you ever been with a molested woman? They’re definitely not prudes.