I think Joe has been reading our comments about boomers. BTW what makes someone a “wannabe socialist”?

1  2019-02-07 by RBuddCumia


What is it about MAGA people and unnecessary capitalization? Is it some sort of secret code, or are they just uneducated?

Doowop was the music that boomers put out of business by only buying Beatles records, stupid. That's why musicians born in the '40s were nostalgic about it.


He can't honestly think this sub is SJW. The nerve of this fuck calling himself white.

He does though. He can’t comprehend that anyone other than SJWs and libtards could possibly think he’s a dork.


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you mean SWJ?


You all definitely need to keep calling Joe a boomer. I have several in my family and they all HATE being told they’re old and senile as the entire identity of their group is that they were the young and free generation after WW2.

Bald Joe’s attempts to ‘own’ the insult only prove how much it’s getting to him.

Enjoy this.

Nobody enjoys anything you do, Joe.

This failing country is full of wannabe socialists. "Yes, government, do more of everything, just please don't call it socialism!"

Either you are a socialist or not. People these days, including people elected into office, have no problem admitting they are socialists. “Wannabe socialist” is the utterance of a retard.

How does it feel knowing that you are at Joe's level of understanding politics?

So funny coming from the biggest millennial faggot Boomer I've ever seen. More selfies than Ants dream girl and constant self validation on Facebook. Get a fucking mirror.

The cunt won't even ..........hastag #EvilOldWhiteGuys

"They never had the opportunity to experience growing like we did". Yea, you grew up during Americas most prosperous time then burned the bridge behind you. Exactly why we hate boomers you fucking faggot

Faggot Joe lives a scumbag's dream life. He doesn't have to work, he gets free money for doing nothing, he plays guitar in a bunch of crappy cover bands and he rides his motorcycle around all day, drinking coffee and rescuing flags. Yet all he does is bitch, bitch and bitch, always about nonsensical shit that doesn't affect him in the least. He is truly a faggot's faggot.