Exhibit A-Bill Hicks vs Denis Leary

1  2019-02-07 by Shittinonniggers


This has been pretty much scrubbed from the net by that ssssssscumbag Denis Leary. I found it on an old hard drive and thought it was pertinent to be revived and shared to let people know that Denis Leary stole his friend's act/persona and became rich and famous.

Say what you want about Leary. He made a ton of money off shitty material that wasn't even his. And turned it into a TV/Movie career. Bill Hicks might be the most overrated comedian ever. If he didn't die when he did, no one would've remembered who the fuck he was. I don't think Leary is funny either. But he was clearly a superior businessman. Think if he stole material from funnier people. Bill died in his parents basement without two nickels to scrape together.

He's still a hack and this vid shows the most clear example of his crime.

Never said he wasn't. But I would rather be a rich hack hated by people. Over being a dead, hipster icon.

If he didn't die, he'd be a less funny version of Alex Jones.

Lesbian haired Willem Dafoe lookin motherfucker

Denis Leary never did anything funny that wasn't stolen or looking like a bitch when Giraldo slapped back.

they both stink

Beige should add this to the amy schumer doc

well if it means it won't get downvoted to make room for the faggot posters then that'd be great. /u/beigefrequency