
1  2019-02-07 by bitchgotapeckah


I don't think there is anything faggier than someone in the music industry who doesn't drink alcohol and proudly so.

Someone who does that and falls in love with a Viking tranny.

I was thinking the other night, that maybe the reason Jim doesn't drink is so he can better feed his sex addiction. Think about it, he works in comedy clubs, where EVERYONE drinks, yet he remains sober. Drunk girls that mistakenly think he's famous are more likely to have sex with him, so he keeps himself sharp so that he can score. He's said before that he likes drunk girls because they're easier, plus he raped that underaged girl before. What a creep he is, remaining sober so that it's easier to trick a drunk chick back to his room.

I was thinking the other night,

That's different!

Hyuck hyuck I'll be playing at Captain Funnybone's Chuckle Shack in Columbus the 14th through the 16th; tix still available!

Unless the drunk chicks have cocks I don't think Jimmy is really interested.

for sure, this is why women in clubs get mad at you if your not drinking and become skeptical of you - because you are at a huge advantage to sleep with them, you arent on their level.

Long hesitation and those punches looked really weak.

The guy he was beating was laughing throughout and after.

So did I.

He was on meth. Probably laughed his way into a coma

Complete abstinence from alcohol is stupid. I used to drink way too much I learned to dial it back. There’s no disease where you have to put fermented liquid in your body. There’s only over indulgence.

The hedonistic treadmill

I mean one could say that alcoholism is a disease caused by alcohol because of the effects withdrawals have on your body. I agree with you that over indulgence is the main issue though.

Wanna host an advice show?

He's overqualified since he has drank for more than three months.

The number of people that hang on this boring douchebags every word is astonishing

I used to be friends with a guy who would not stop going on about Rollin's spoken word and how hilarious it was. So I broke and agreed to watch it with him. I didn't laugh once and my friend kept nervously looking over at me while we watched. At the end I told him that spoken word is just another term for unfunny comedy. Haven't really spoken to him since which is great.

Anyone who does spoken word should be executed right this second.

Henry Rollins made me hate Tool.

I prefer the demo version of that song where Maynard does the spoken word part instead of Rollins.

So he's not all bad then

did anyone ever really like Tool/

I still think AEnima is great but I kind of grew out of them over the years.

Oh wait, you probably weren't looking for a literal answer.


I’m naked and fearless!!!

I laughed pretty hard when he raped Peggy Bundy

you should have put your hand on his tight and see whether he would swat it off or let you slowly move it to his crotch

Rollins had a joke back in 1998 that people in flood situations should live in a boat. The joke was funny, but I'm pretty sure that's the only funny thing he has said. He's the definition of pretintious despite railing against it.

"I was on my way to Australia, it was my 19th trip to Australia..." was where he lost me.


I still like the time Beavis and Butthead watched "Liar", though.

Still? I didn't think anybody cared about him in decades.

People flock to douchebags like him, Rogan, etc because they are personality templates. A Joe Rogan fan acts,talks exactly like Joe Rogan and so on and so forth

Yeah, but I hear people talking about Rogan and Jordan Peterson. I haven't heard anybody say anything about Rollins besides Sons of Anarchy in forever. And the SOA talk had a lot of "Oh yeah, I forgot about that guy."

I have a whole extra organ devoted to disdaining ROLLINS, and even I'm too tired of these threads to talk any shit.

He uses the listerine to get the taste of cum out of his mouth so the next cock tastes nice and fresh.

yes yes because he is gay you know.

They call him Ball-O-Shine-O

His best friend was murdered by a nog in front of him, and yet he remains a "progressive".

It’s almost as if he’s sincere in his beliefs.

Or maybe so entrenched in his naive adolescent misconceptions that even reality shooting his friend in the face isn't enough to shake him out of it.

This hack's whole gimmick is trashing musicians that can actually write good songs, play instruments and sing. He can't do any of those things.

His bit on Iron Maiden reeked of jealousy. "We write songs about books" oooooo what a trashing. He's the equivalent of being the guy who only listens to metal bands nobody's heard of them says they suck when they get more than 2 fans. Maiden sell out arenas and fly their own fucking jumbo jet around the world for years on end, Henry Rollings is still in a van.

His Van Halen bit makes me sick. He rails about how embarrassing and stupid David Lee Roth is, then proceeds to tell a story about actually meeting Roth in LA in the 80s, and Roth being familiar with Black Flag and being totally cool to him.

"Hey, you're the guy from Black Flag, right?? Cool man, want a beer??"

Yeah what a dick Roth was for knowing about the punk band you sang in when he was the lead singer for the biggest band in the world at the time.

Rollins was the weakest Black Flag singer, by far in fact. Some of those post-"Damaged" records are downright embarrassing.

Wow he sounds really profound, really made me think

Straight edger. Nothing wrong with that.

Everything is wrong with that.

It's fine if you shut the fuck up about it but if you prance around like a faggot and telling people about this shit unprompted then you deserve to be tied down and injected with grain alcohol every day until you die.

I can’t find any fault with your argument.

It's the atheism of vice.

what kind of a faggott cant handle a drink


Spits? And here I had him pegged as a swallower.

Retard wisdom

Can someone link that brilliant parody audio of him?

lol fantastic

He was great in Johnny mneumonic


He used to (or maybe still does) have a weekly column in LA Weekly. It was so smug, condescending, and self congratulatory. Im convinced this guy jerks off to himself in the mirror.

Yeah and he seems pretty even keeled wouldn't you say

The running theory is that he actually is gay and everything makes a lot more sense in that case.

Tell me that quote is fake.

Hes spit it into brother Joe's mouth....

Sometimes Ill have Spotify on in the background, and some halfway decent instrumentals come on, and then I hear some faggot start to READ some amateur horseshit poetry about being lonely or misunderstood, and every single time I look up, its "Rollins Band". Uncreative gay fool.

Where's the guy who talks like Henry in every Henry thread? Guy's hilar.

Why doesn't he use alcohol free mouthwash?

Or maybe so entrenched in his naive adolescent misconceptions that even reality shooting his friend in the face isn't enough to shake him out of it.