Reddit is very homosexual

1  2019-02-07 by 0tiose


Yuck. I hope we are invaded by China.

The face in the last frame makes me feel sick

What’s sad, is I literally know a couple like this.

Those psychos wouldn’t stand for this weak pussy shit. Please President Xi, we’re waiting.

At your service! Hell, I’ll personally setup the Manchild concentration camps.

I hope andrew perpetrates a school shooting next week

My uncle always fucking stomped me at chess. Letting kids win is retarded.

According to Lobsterman they have to win about 3/10 times to stay encouraged to get better at it.

But every kid should be discouraged from useless crap.

Lobsterman also doesn't want caucasions to have pride in their culture so I'll pass on taking any of his child-rearing advice.

Well it is stupid to have pride with something you have no hand in and are just a part of. Why don't you go down to Faggot Field and root for the Everytown Paid-to-be-Heres, dummy.

when I was a kid i autisticly played chess against the computer for weeks and weeks until i was finally able to beat my older brother of 8 years (who is quite high ranked). But because I accomplished my goal of beating him I stopped playing chess. So I think it goes both ways. I've played him a couple times since but I haven't won.

Holy shit who cares

correct response

nice going along with the call-out, stupid

it was gay so why would i try to defend it you retard

so you’re gay and have zero self-respect too, fucking runt

your outrage is superficial and your comments are formulaic.

fuck, you’ve burst through the façade

Having kids is retarded and gay.

My parents would have curbstomped me if I let my sister win anything

And there is likely a healthy median in there somewhere.

Calling the older kid a fag, I imagine

What kid says shit like “does it really matter”? I simple “yeah I did.” Or “no” is more believable than this shiiiiiiit

Faggots pretending that gaming is a "part of life" now is disgusting. Keep stimming your brain for days at a time asshole, it's good for you hahaha waste of air

video game discussions also made for some of the worst radio

Gamers are embarrassing idiots, but so are Reddit users including you and me (but you more so).

What's with all the shitty reddit artists always making basic "cute" faces?

They're appealing to fellow infantile thinkers.

Because they can't draw.

They want to become the next meme "reaction" face

I appreciate cute things, but what bothers me is how they try to depict themselves as cute and lovable.

It's pathetic and hateable. Grow up and be a man so you can protect the things that are actually cute.

People who fancy themselves artists whilst possessing no innate talent for the craft.

Are usually the ones who have to resort to rendering this barebones, crude & childish garbarge

the teen who let the little kid win, he is fucking the mom.

that's the bit

I used to play video games with my 10 year old cousin in a wheelchair every time I made it my mission to beat his ass and make him cry but I love the little fucker

This should have ended like an Electric Retard comic.

I like video games as much as the next guy, but holy shit is reddit filled with emotionally stunted manchildren. Its almost terrifying how many of these faggots are stuck in arrested development.

I don't understand the appeal. Like is it supposed to be sentimental? It's like drawing a comic about your kid holding the door for an old person.

Polite behavior but no real virtue was shown and nothing was sacrificed. Surprised he thought this was worth illustrating, and moreso that it resonated with so many

Peterson has referenced a pretty illuminating study, dealing with the play mechanics in rats, but the empathetic aspects of exchanges, between big rats and little rats. In the study, the big rats will invite the little rats to play wrestle, but - even though the big rat SHOULD win 100% of the time - the little rat actually wins around 30% of the time. Which is some - as he would say - pretty noble prize winning stuff, because what it indicates is that the big rat is LETTING the little rat win. The implication from this discovery is that; if the big rat doesn't let the little rat win some of the time, then the little rat will want to stop playing with the big rat altogether, or stop accepting the invitations to play from the big rat. From there, you can make the argument that alpha behavior is not completely hinged on being the best and winning at all costs; you do need to know how to sheeth your sword, in order to keep the exchanges in your life going. This ties into the old maxim "It's better to be a warrior in a garden, then a gardener at war".

TL;DR: Whoever drew this is a faggot.

It’s kind of weird to draw inferences on alpha behavior from this though. A true alpha level dominance couldn’t sustain it self with these kind of “failure” rates unless the smaller rat knew the larger rate was losing intentional. I mean i did the same thing with my little brother in basketball precisely because their isn’t really a domaine hierarchy at work. If i truly want to have alphaed him I would have beat him every time precisely so that he would quit and not want to play anymore.

This sub is a real "meeting of the minds", that's for sure!

Too bad you couldn’t have said meeting of the mind and you would have picked up an upvote from a dorky norm fan.

their isn’t really a domaine hierarchy at work

Is the rat keeping its room clean?

Peterson is a clueless faggot.

noble prize


Auto-correct, champ :p

Incorrect. CHOMP!

My Father would have hit me for getting that excited over a video game.

Where’s the punchline?

Yes. It does matter