Anth is scamming his fans out of money.

1  2019-02-07 by gnarlkill17

I cancelled my compound media subscription last February (for obvious reasons) I still had about 6 months left but I didn’t want to forget to cancel and get charged a for a renew, I immediately lost all access to the shows. I figured I would just take it on the chin and not bother complaining because I didn’t have any interest in listening to any of the shows anyways. But today I had a 113$ charge on my credit card for a year compound media subscription. Still haven’t heard back from anyone. The thing that pisses me off the most is I would have rather lit that money on fire than given it to compound media.


It costs $113 dollars a year for that show? That's hardly an incentive to do the longest sub possible. Either way, he's scamming his fans with a shitty product regardless of true subscriber or ex-subscriber. Compound is shit.

113 Canadian

You should contact your bank and let them know of potential fraud. Is compound on any complaint sites yet? People here have complained a lot but I don't know if those are legit or not.

Let's crowd fund a lawsuit.

Only a Canuck would be fooled into subscribing to his shit service. On a more serious note, chargeback all of those charges.


Contact the Better Business Bureau and contact your credit company for a charge back. So many of the same instances have been reported on here for a while now, yet no one wants to Feed Nana.

BBB is completely fucking worthless and a waste of time to complain to. It's basically just a review site like Yelp. A chargeback is what he should do and maybe write a letter to Compound Media's local consumer protection office.

Yep, the chargeback is the best option. He is Canadian, and is or was compound subscriber, so I have no sympathy for him. He probably loves Gavin and Jews too, so fuck him.

I've heard this a few times. Maybe they're like pay porn sites betting that you're going to be too embarrassed to contact your credit card company about it.

BBB is shit and a waste of time. Businesses can pay them to have their negative reviews scrubbed, I believe.

They still have to respond however.

GAS Digital does the same thing. To actually cancel you have to go into your PayPal account and turn off renewal. Just canceling on the website wont do shit.

Serves you right. Even when Compound Media was at its best, it was still shit.


Major RICO potential here

Or not, I’ve been rewatching the sopranos, I’d really feel satisfied if Nana and Keith were locked away for this, to atone for so many unpunished transgressions through the years, OJ style.

And then a longer sentence, after he gets out and attempts to get back some of his compound memorabilia long since auctioned on this here, very humble little subreddit.

Contact your card company and dispute the charges.

They fucked you out of six month's worth of service, and are now trying to fuck you out of another twelve, without so much as a discount code or lube.

You can either go back and forth for the next twelve months with their "customer service rep" (i.e. Keith or Erock) , or just charge it back through your credit card company and let them handle the ball ache.

As an aside, credit card companies charge a percentage per transaction to the vendor; that rate goes up the more charge-backs they have to handle. If you're wondering why the Compound subscription rates went up when Artie joined, and then up again after he left... well, you aren't exactly the first person on here to be fucked by them.

I guess Ant is the one with the Golden Egg, am I right?

Link for obscure reference:

I don't want it on my record that I have or ever will advocate on the behalf of the Cumia Bros

Seems like you deserve it. Queer.

Call OJs lawyer

I canceled my card after getting rid of this show. I heard too many stories like this.

Do you have access to shows again or did they just take your money?

Can't you legitimately sue them for this? We should put together a class action, and finish him off.

There it is. That's the fawkin bit. Class action lawsuit.

only time I ever subscribed is when I found a wallet on the floor outside, people might say that's morally wrong...

I agree, subscribing to Compound Media is morally wrong in any circumstance.

Looks like Ant is desperate for cash. From what i hear this is happening daily. Why cant ant behave?

I wouldn't be surprised if the ENTIRE subscription idea was based on the mundane and well known fact people often forget about their subscriptions and just let them keep going when not using the service. Doesn't work as well when people are cancelling as a purposeful 'fuck you' instead of lazily lapsing.

They are banking on people forgetting they subbed and not throwing a fit about these charges.

Call Arnold Diaz so he can chase them down the street with a camera for his "Shame Shame Shame, Shame on you!" segment on the news.

Chargeback, it seriously fucks them over if they get too many.

what fans

How come between this shit and Ant using credit card info to dox people they haven't suffered legal ramifications yet?

They do this to anyone who cancels their subscription. They are by far the most shady company I ever did business with. Thankfully my card expired so I didn’t have to deal with the bullshit.Technically they owe you money for cutting access to your account 6 months early. Your best bet is to cancel your card or it will happen again because word on the street is they are hurting for money .