Unemployed sack of shit Joseph Cumia has it all figured out... ... ...

1  2019-02-07 by crookedmile


He's also fat

He has an ego reserved for big swinging dick heroes like Mel too. And no shame

If Mel ever met Joe, he’d ejaculate on his face, and not even hand him a towel.

Joe would pick it off his face with his thumb and index finger and put it right in his smashed up asshole

Listen, he won’t be fat for much longer.

25lbs. Watch.

Once your body is in fat burning mode there's no stoppin ya!

The boomers fucked everything and blame everyone but themselves. He wouldn’t have a platform to showcase his idiocy if it weren’t for millennials.

The world didnt ruin its self joe

pieces of shit like you did selling coke to your community


The boomers became everything they hated, and worse. And who does this retard think raised these faggot Millennials?

He isn't white

These old fags like Joe get so riled up by the internet they really believe everything is going to shit right in front of them. They're pining for the old days of shitty technology, the Vietnam War, Cold War, Gas shortages and the aids epidemic just because they're old, dumb and scared.

Fat, ugly feminists and borderline-retarded boomer conservatives have fucking ruined the internet.

Baby boomers are the biggest man baby’s ever.

The youth are today are maladjusted says the poor excuse for a man who grew up selling cocaine, smoking crack with his whore of a mother and getting kicked out of the military for thievery.

Right of alt right bitch

Yes Joe, people who weren't born yet just can't understand what it was like to be alive back then, as they weren't. Therefore they are all socialist entitlement SJW fags and queers who don't know anything. That's a compelling and mature argument all right, real original too.

What an unlikeable dope. Bragging about the childhood he had that he tried to milk for sympathy on the when we cyber bullied him. He has nothing to show for his life except his brothers wealth so he tries to act superior just for being old.

"The world ruined itself"

-an unemployed racist who enables his younger brothers raging alcoholism and child molestation so he can keep collecting an allowance from him while also being a social media addict and innattentive father and domestic abuser

He truly is a bozo

I can’t wait till the last of the boomers is gone. They pretend to be their parents ( best generation) but they are far from it.