I'm still funny. I used to be on the radio dial.

1  2019-02-07 by 1-800-969-1969


Jesus.... that’s fucking uncanny.

Needs scars

Just shoot it with some birdshot.

Just bite the fucking thing.

That’s also what Ants hair looks like under his pube wig.

Looks like rotgut era Anth

Electric Shock OJ, circa 50AD

Insanely accurate

He's darker in real life

How did you even come across this...

spoiler alert : he sculpted it himself

Again it's unbelievable how many old sculptures and old portraits look like him.

He's the archetype of both an old grandmother and an old creepy ghoul.

He should retire to the Haunted Mansion.

He definitely had an ancient ancestor that was a prolific rapist. Everyone probably does if you go back far enough. But this guy could out rape them all.


"I'm Still hilarious"

they need to drill some holes in his fucking face and then it will be a little bit more life like

Pedophile demons run rampant throughout history, duh.

Back to obscurity, Michaelangelo.