Are ya, stupid?

1  2019-02-07 by RBuddCumia


will fuck you up ferocious son killing machines weirdly smart PRIME ex-am-ples of the power of evolution have overly developed [portion of brain]

"Wolves are crazy, am I right Elon?"

hits blunt

It's 1982, Joe Rogan. There was this cop we called The Wolf because he would deal coke on the side and eat a hooker's asshole every second day. I used to supply him, Joe Rogan, since all the other dealers were scared of him and the mothafucka just liked me 'cause I made him laugh. Honest to God, Joe Rogan, I saw him rape and kill a small Congolese village, Joe Rogan.

Joe is a guy who spends his time reading top 10 science lists and conversing with quack psuedo scientists

So true.

That’s apparent from his podcast, yes.

Also apparent is that he’d let a shaved chimp fuck him in the ass.

One time a wolf raped a dear friend of mine so I led a pack of people into the wilderness and ensured their and my doom by ignoring all contrasting advice and using sheer charisma to assert my dominance on the group. Turns out we were going the wrong way directly into the wolf’s liar.

Dude, we are so lucky wolves are small. imagine if they were huge?