"Joe Rogan, metaphysically, is a Christmas hog. And I'm going to politically haul him up by his back legs and slit his throat. His blood will fill buckets. Politically not violently."

1  2019-02-06 by nomobjustice


I think I like him again


Atrazine. Look it up. Perhaps it’s done a number on you too.

Alex Jones is right about a lot of shit and other times says absolutely random nonsense.

The question is: are there really interdimensional psychic vampires using child rape on earth to move between dimensions?


There are not.

They aren't interdimensional, nor are they vampires but the do fuck kids.

And his name is Cumia

Marbles in his ass situation.

They sure did. I'm no Alex Jones fan but that's shitty.

But let's leave 8 different posts about that porn whore loosely associated with Gavin up. That makes sense.

Whatever you do, don’t caste shade on the Indian guy from Harold and Kumar.

They hit mine too. Scumbags.

Probably one offended that Alex doesn't like pedophiles I guess.

He likes Anthony

Reddit needs to add an option where if 80% of the userbase votes out a mod they get banned from the sub. Then we could be finally free from that tool man nerd

The more Alex Jones regains his previously lost autism, the more I like him.

When did he lose it..?

I only check in on Infowars once in awhile but for a couple of years it really was just alternative Fox News. It was basically just A J reading Drudge Report and spouting conservative talking points with a few weird freakouts in between. The last show I watched he spent 2 hours just talking about devils and Jesus and how he's been chosen to show everyone the light.

Funnier than anything Snaky Snake has ever said.

I love Alex. He is by far one of the most entertaining personas on the planet.

Especially when he goes full on WWE mode.

Sick, retarded thing to say. He’s just SEARCHING for ways to be back in the spotlight. If he was half smart he’d just disappear

May I ask why you capitalized "searching"?

He was channeling BroJoe.

Cause there is no italics.

I'm pretty sure Rogan is Italic on his mother's side. Faggot.

Nice formatting, stupid.

Oh sorry i offended your virgin like sensibilities because I don’t care how to make italics on the app. Now, would you kindly, go fuck yourself.


Kill yourself immediately.

Nice excuse for not knowing shit a 2nd grader would know, stupid.

Nice not knowing shit a 2nd grader could do, stupid.

you’re stupid

And just because you annoy me, all caps and italics can be used in the same instances. They literally mean the same damn thing. People like you should really just stop procreating. Where in your genetic makeup does it say ‘give pleasure’ when you attempt to call someone out over something so goddamned pointless? Jesus wept.

lol, you’re stupid and angry

Not so much angry as perplexed.

We need him now more than ever

hes the best