I fucking despise my generation

1  2019-02-06 by ProfessorChipperson


Yeah , the great right wing figure--- ZUCK . I guess you can't really ask for a rational thought from a person that wears a anthropomorphic animal costume and invents alternate persona just to fit in with mental degenerates.

So you're advocating rounding them up and executing them in a cheap assembly line fashion?

No , but you shooo have some big ideas .

That’s “fursona” to you sir

used fursuit

I would not put that on at gunpoint

Just because it smells like bleach doesn't mean it's clean.

Shit, it doesn’t?

Ridiculous guy, but I respect the handiwork. I'd look like shit if I was a furry. Eyes all fucked up and whatnot.

I'd look like shit if I was a furry. Eyes all fucked up and whatnot.

so basically look the same as you do now?

Didn't expect anybody to take the low-hanging fruit. Enjoy.

thanks babe, I'm cracking myself up ova here.

I guarantee you look like shit regardless. Post a pic to prove me wrong.

Are you the guy from yesterday under an alt? That would be really flattering.

And why would you dislike Beige so much?

"guy from yesterday" sorry but I don't spend my life keeping track of internet strangers, so I don't know what that means.

as for "why don't u lyk beige", looks like I've struck a nerve with his biggest fan.

then why don't u lyk?

I don't answer to you, faggot.

Take it easy, man

Take it hard, faggot.

You clearly have to work around expressing yourself as it comes naturally 😂

You clearly have to work around expressing yourself as it comes naturally 😂

Nice sentence stupid

Fellas Fellas, you are both faggot retards. One who tried to bring positivity to a o and a sub post and the other one obsessed with some YouTuber. both y’all niggas gay, chill .


Hang yourself.

tsssssss remove if cocksucka

can we crowdfund buy it & make her deliver it to Oman

I'd vacation in Muscat if they had public furry burnings. It's really the only thing that could offset being in a sand nigger shithole.

You don't like figs?

I heard God hates figs

I imagine her taking the furry head off, & she's equally as cross-eyed

For all the people saying “her,” this is actually a man.

This is a genderless Sub. Much like Jim Norton.

I assumed as much.

I dont care what chromosomes it has, that is no man.

I'm assuming "chiefing with the boys" is a euphemism for a gay orgy?

I was also making that assumption. It would be even more bizarre if he really meant just broing down and lol weeding

I think he actually does mean smoking weed. California is full of insane people. Using frat boy lingo but is also a furry wtf?

I'll personally pay the legal fees for whomever meets them under the guise of purchasing that abomination.

Does he have anything else to sell because I’m not committing a crime with the end result that I have a used furry outfit.

4D chess

So not only is this thing a furfag, it is actually the only being stupid enough to think that Mark Zuckerberg has any right wing viewpoints at all. What a cunt.


He and Joe should talk over Starbucks


If you are going to be a furrie shouldn’t your otomotopeia at least be species appropriate- since when do foxes rawrrr. I’d pay 299 in order to be able to hit this guy with a golf cart. I

Nice onomatopoeia, stupid

I would Iike to live in a world were Mark zuckerburg just goes nah fuck this far enough but we don’t live in that world.

meh i can't really cringe at this, furries have been around since the dawn of the internet so its just lost its luster in that regard. committed furries are usually older and there's a good chance that dude is like 35.

First of all this is only white people, second of all don't act like you're not a furry sicko

I imagine it’s a man.not a woman in that suit.Not a deal killer,just pointing it out.

Fuck you're low-key right. Chris Chan is sitting in that suit.


This is what people said about homosexuality and hipsterism and so many other aberrational behaviors. It just takes a generation for it to filter down/ come out into the open.

The only other people who make trannys seem normal.

That is objectively a well made fursuit. The face is very pretty.

I can only imagine the godless horrors that took place in that thing.

My guess would be something considered mildly deviant in their community like raping a real fox to death

I hate the "live and let live" attitude in regards fo furfags. Many of them are genuine zoophiles and should be brought to the pyre.

You may not like it, but this is what peak male veganism looks like

Waste of talent. Guy could have made great practical effects for movies, but he chose this.

Wow looks just like the deviant art

Thing looks nothing like the drawing. Can't even be a degenerate zoophile right, worthless shithead.

Adding this to the spank bank, thanks!

That is quite possibly the gayest fucking thing I've seen in my entire life. This is gayer than Ant getting fucked in the ass by Sue.

I hate the "live and let live" attitude in regards fo furfags. Many of them are genuine zoophiles and should be brought to the pyre.