/u/sams_seed give us your brutal takedown of this bitch

1  2019-02-06 by TonyFromLongIsland


Nah man her bullying game is on point. I wish i could coach one of you bitches through your suicide. Real recognize real.


you need to look as good as this chick before you have that kind of control over a male

Also not being a mentally ill schizo nigger with a growth on your stomach doesn't help much.

You're not attractive at all though so no one would ever really care enough about you to do that.

Oh no i wish i was as pretty as this girl 😢

You're actually saying that unironically. LMFAO

Your stupid cocksucking ass was hoping I'd do the bit, give you some "nice shirt, stupid level material, then proceeded to post one of my heroes. That sure backfired on you spectacularly. That's like asking me to shit on britney spears or hello kitty.

And in true shitposter fashion, all you got is calling a professional international model ugly

Omg im so done

Take another zoloft cunt

lol you're chimping out.

And a black man's armpit hair glued to the top

95% of educated young white girls with disposable income find her traditionally attractive/beautiful, more than enough for the clothing companies who use her image for modelling their products. The same demographic has interesting opinions on adults who use IM speak, but let's stay focused for now.

Where you getting them stats hon?

Dormitory exit poll. The 5% is in a bad mood; someone microwaved her phone.

Wtf are you talking about?

Those b&w photos she posted some time ago were clearly modelling shots. The OP's girl looks too weird (especially in profile) to have a chance at that. Since I have the access, I asked some of the cruellest and most critical part of humanity what they thought; all liked u/sams_seed, and grimaced at eyebrow girl. The 2nd part was a mild dig at the OP's playground idiom. Jeez.

what the fuck are you on about


Care Delevingne looking mug.

Dude if i was a white girl, you best believe I'd be rocking platinum blonde hair and giant jet black eyebrows. It's a good look

What if you were to attempt that look with whatever color you are?

I'd look like beyonces stupid ass

I thought her ass was your communities proudest achievement

I've got something lined up: Nice eyebrows, stupid

Her eyebrows rock.

No one asked you, bitch. Get out!!!!!!

are those caterpillars?

Imagine doing anything because a woman told you to, let alone killing yourself.

Duh huh huh someone with a cunt give me attention. You fucking faggot.

This guy really gives you the business.

No one asked you, bitch. Get out!!!!!!

are those caterpillars?