1  2019-02-06 by TangerineReam


Isn't that the dude from the whole Jordan Peterson thing? Yeah he really is a faggot.

its a little redundant. yes

There's no biological basis for sex

How do you talk to these fucking people?

You dont. Why would you want to in the first place?

Is that that cat whisperer guy?

Isn’t that the guy that eats hot wings on YouTube

Imagine seeing someone so dysgenic looking and weak and listening to what he has to say. I bet he even has the quasi-gay voice that a lot of liberal men have.

No one respects people like this. But about half the country pretends to.

I wonder if it's even half. TV and media select for these kinds of guys, so it seems like they might be overinflating how many people think they're important. Much like if you based it on TV presence alone, you'd think half the population was gay.

90% of male journalists look and sound like this guy.

Outside of the coastal shitholes, Chicago and Colorado, no one pretends to respect this shit. Its mocked and ridiculed in public all the time.

It's not quasi

It's a woman larping has an ugly man.

I thought that too but what's with the balding?

I can see his lisp

It's not a his or him.

I always that it was a tranny

We need more bullies nowadays

What’s funny is you can see the feminine features under her stupid beard. You’re not fooling anyone.

This whole anti free speech trend that's growing on the left is pretty troubling. There are people who actually want to change the 1st amendment.

They don't believe in the Individual; they believe in the Collective. And Free Will, to them, is pernicious and scary and needs to be stopped.