real ass dude

1  2019-02-06 by josephjeremiah


Nice gut stab in a Puerto Rican bathroom, stupid.

The latent wrestling knowledge in this sub always surprises me.

Its scandalous is what it is

Bold move, cotton.

Ain't no such thing as disabled kids anyway. They just lookin for attention

Muhfucka gave his last fuck in 1978

This guy is sassy as heck.

Imagine how real this guy would be if he fingered the kid after he fell limply onto the ground?

The guy who stabbed him to death in Puerto Rico got away with it

And he had a Mountain Goats song written about him.

Died on the floor of a filthy Puerto Rican shower while his co-workers did nothing. Nice dignity, stupid.

Ty Cobb beat up a man who had no arms once.

Sam names his cat after this guy