"See that retard who sperged out publicly? Well he's ours now, so na-na-na-ha-ha-ha!" - The Democratic Party in the last year

1  2019-02-06 by Single_Action_Army


David Hogg, drum Indian, Ortez, boy do the Dems love claiming retards as their champions.

the Chicago Hate Crime Hoaxer too

Don't forget gapped tooth bitch who lost an election but somehow she's a, "winner."

She won the free buffet pass for sure

Oh, yeah, but at least we got Joe The Plumber!!!!

Not to sound like a faggot but the Democrats can't actually think doubling down on identity politics will help them can they?

You raise a good point faggot, but I think they do

They’re gonna harness that raw SJW faggot energy.

It's not about identity politics, about finding something to be outraged about i. order to drum up support. Something, that is, other than anything real that they're complicit and profiting in.

Which is?

I don't know B, I don't know your American politics. I'm out here in Mali and we got our own shit.

you one of them united nations pedophiles?

If polls are true, every demographic group but white dudes is all in on idpol and makes almost all their electoral and economic decisions based on it. (So anti-idpol is white male idpol, they'll tell you.) Once everybody-but-white-guys is numerically dominant, traditional American politics, the one where ideological/regional factions argue about marginal tax rates and gun permits and shit, ends. When's the last time you heard about laws in Detroit? The Ds are tuned for Detroit Everywhere are making it happen. The Rs aren't a real party.

So, yeah.

But this story isn't a good example. It's good ol' American bloody shirt waving, but for faggots.

Manuel Oliver is trying to make money off of the death of his child. As a father myself I find this to be pretty repulsive.

You're just jealous that your kid didn't get shot!

Little bastard’s too quick. Shouldn’t have shown him all those Barry Sanders clips growing up.

"Manuel Oliver doesn't have time for Louis C.K.'s jokes..."

Yet he's really dwelling on them.

So the guys kid got shot and he goes "you know what I should do? I should finally do what I've always wanted and become a standup" but all his "material" has to be woke preachy bullshit and in reality he just goes on stage and talks about his dead kid

You're just jealous that your kid didn't get shot!

Little bastard’s too quick. Shouldn’t have shown him all those Barry Sanders clips growing up.