1  2019-02-06 by gregghughesopieradio


don't buy our game

That worked out well for them. Can't wait for that shitty game Anthem to flop and put an end to Bioware. Yes I'm a faggot.

I want FAAACKEN Bioware to fold, and then have them inundated with #learntocode trolls, tobecompletelyhonestwitcha

I haven’t played a singled one of their cunty games since mass effect 2.

Too many money faggots surround the game industry now. They just wanna give people who play games the absolute minimum and get butthurt when it doesn’t work out.

But they aren't blaming that. They're blaming not doing a hyped Battle Royale mode like Fortnite. So they're saying "We should have made our stupid game even dumber like Fortnite for total idiots."

Isn't Fortnite free?

I still get a kick out of people trying to make statements like this. It's literally backfired in liberals faces for years now. But they keep doubling down on their tough talk.

This is what you get for putting a woman on your game cover

Let's not start letting vidya shit slde into this sub. You have the entire rest of the internet for that.

Didn't pick up and enjoy any of their releases since "Theme Park"

I haven’t played a singled one of their cunty games since mass effect 2.

Too many money faggots surround the game industry now. They just wanna give people who play games the absolute minimum and get butthurt when it doesn’t work out.