Democratic Response

1  2019-02-06 by crookedmile


“Dis mother fucker lyin’”

"I believe people are guilty or innocent based on the fact of whether I think they are or not."


Patrice Oneal is never a minority.

He's just standing in front of her. Or she's growing out of his head.

Like how sams_seed has a baby Norton growing out of her?

"Dat's the Gobvment cheese trying to exscape her body!"

How is she not gravely embarrassed about that body?

It's all she has.

Don't insult Patrice like that.

What about that stupid bitch that Stanhope made cry on that fat faggots show

Yamanika or some dumb nigger name

Nigga, what the fuck is a Colton? White boy makes are hilariously faggotty. Chase, Spencer, Blake? Paisleigh nigga? Raylee?

Names coal burners give their niglets

Exceptional edge

"I speak for Funny."

With their celebration of baby killing up to birth I don't think Patrice would support the Democrats

As a Democrat I wish we could kill them after birth too! You know in case they come out fucked up looking or something

Make the world a better place. Kill yourself instead.

No you!

It is incredible how quickly they’ve normalized literal infanticide ain’t it?

You're fucking retarded

I love abortion but in Vermont, a bill with 91 cosponsors would make abortion at any time for any reason a constitutional right.

Where's all the "life of the mother" shit that leftists usually trot out?

I'm as pro abortion as you can get as im an unfeeling human monster, but don't act like the hot new things in Congress don't want to run all the way to the left on this thing.

"Im pro abortion but cuz fox told me something im not anymore."

Retard. Its literally in only certain cases including for "the life of the mother" but youre too fucking dumb to read it.

But it's not.

The bill they wanted to pass in Virginia took away that language.

Tran’s bill would have lowered the requirements to one physician certifying that the pregnancy would damage the woman’s mental or physical health - the "substantial and irremediable" test would have been repealed.

Wow, dems backed something that should be legal in a society that already has abortion? Oh no! Better have an emotional response like a lil bitch. Republicans play you pussies like a fiddle. You arent "unfeeling", your driven by emotion like everyone else.

I proved to you that "life of the mother" was bullshit. At least admit you love killing babies if the mother will feel bad about having it, faggot. I do.

Its not. You "prove" shit. Thats still one the reasons you can do this. Its also not the only bill out there. I like that you pretend like this doesnt bother you lol.

Shut up faggit.


Tfw When you literally believe what republicans tell you. Lmao

He stopped supporting Obama and started going on infowars so your probably right

Have you listened to his views on race? He was a pretty typical "white people are evil" leftist black.

Sure, buddy. That's why all his friends where white, because he hated them.

What's the got to do with it? You're my friend but I still hate queers.

I don't mind people saying white people are evil as long as they are truthful about the foibles of every race/ethnicity.

He wasn't wringing his hands over racism and hate speech. He spoke freely and wasn't offended when others did too.

Only a double-digit IQ person such as yourself could come to that conclusion. He was just honest that there were things he hated about white people just like every other race, and he didn't get up in arms every time someone came back with something similar about black people.

Ya, I just got back from my liberal friends' weekly abortion celebration.


Yo RIP the great

now that I would watch


I watched 2 mins of that bitch and changed it. What was she babbling about her stupid buffoon parents?

What's the got to do with it? You're my friend but I still hate queers.