Nice making a difference with capeshit, stupid.

1  2019-02-06 by betamaxdrome


Women and gay faggots just get to do whatever they like and call it altruism. This cunt only got a job because she's a woman, and it won't sell as many tickets if it were a guy.

if who were a guy?

It. The cunt.

im pretty sure most super hero movies star dudes and make a bunch of money

wtf are you talking about lightning?

I'm saying that these movies with male leads make more money at the box office than ones with slits as the lead. Therefore, she has unwarranted entitlement.

He’s talking about exactly what you just said.

I've never heard of the term "capeshit" before. Good lookin' out and being a fucking dork OP

How is trashing super hero movies dork behavior? Google it.

Don’t fuck with me pal.

How is trashing super hero movies dork behavior? Google it.

That coupled with telling me to "Google it" is extra fucking dorky, dork

Damn, you got me.

I heard it but I was sucking a cock at the time. Can confirm op is a faggot.

Women in Hollywood are basically rich white men. They are so privileged, yet still get people to whine on their behalf because they get paid a couple million less or aren’t the main character. Take your money and make your own movies then posh cunt.

Literally such a demented sense of righteous thinking when you decide to be the champion for Scarlet Johansson getting paid less out of all the avengers or whatever.

Same with retards who devote their time to moaning about this Liam Neeson shit and calling themselves activists. Stop trying to knock on fames door so you can have your shitty opinion.

But a lot of people think this is what progress is, it’s not. The loudest cunts in the room are the weakest cunts in the room.

If she really cared she would let a woman of color play that role. Selfish cunt.

she's not even a fat dyke. I'm pretty sure her mere existence is some sort of oppression.

Valiant comics has a fat slob hero named Faith. Schumer would be perfect for the role.

Pretty sure activists don't get paid millions to play dress-up

Shaun King does.

SHAWN KING is a FAAACKEN snake, tobehonestwitcha. We helped that FAAACKEN guy out years ago, and never came back to pay a visit, so....yknow, whatever.

I'm just so sick o' these FAAACKEN phonies.

your phone crapped out dude

Nice Missy the Man face, stupid.

The best types of activism are those where you make millions for playing dress-up.

This is kind of hilarious. This is like something Romney would say.

Is her flat ass supposed to be part of the charm of the character?

Getting really fucking high and watching that stupid shit on IMAX just for the sounds and colors is my form of activism.

Why this bitch look like she has mustache stubble?

Enough with the fucking comic book shit!

I'm so sick of hearing grown men seriously discussing the ins and outs of faggots dressed in tight clothes hitting each other.

If you could only say that on TV. No one would admit watching this crap.

Well you are in luck because this shit is going to take the MCU down a shit ton of pegs. The plan is to make her the new 'face' of the MCU with captain america/iron man exit. Unfortunately unlike the actors she is replacing she can't act for shit and is extremely unlikable as a person.


ok cavs homer homo, go back to hoping to see some black cock slip out of some shorts

Nice film theory, stupid.

tough talk for a r/comicbookmovies regular, salty you didn't think of it for some lame super hero cred?

Why would I get cred for shitting on a comic book movie in /r/comicbookmovies ?

shit ton of pegs.

pegging? now im interested

Cowboy movies & TV westerns dominated showbiz for like ten or twenty years. Then they died.

Just wait this out and it'll eventually go away.

This silly bitch is so desperate to appear “woke” but constantly ends up saying stupid things and getting shit on from all sides. She must be pretty dumb.

Relax, were not making a Western here.

I fuckin knew it..

Let's cum on her.

Louis! Get in here!

I'd plug one of the chronic masturbators shows but they are all sold out.

But, but he's already been cancelled!

But her feet are gross.

thats some terrible feet

She can still eat my ass.

Comicsgate plz go

I grew up reading comic books/not getting laid, I love most of the MCU and I love the Avengers movies.

I couldn't possibly care less about this movie, also as far as I ever knew/remembered, Captain Marvel was a guy. (Im not surprised)

Two different characters. The guy Captain Marvel was created in the 60's. The chick version was created in the early 80's as a different person not just slapping a vagina on a pre existing character like woke Marvel likes to do nowadays.

The whole idea was stolen from DC who had the real Captain Marvel, which they now just refer to as Shazam. And DC's was stolen from Fawcett Comics, who created it as a ripoff Superman.

What a story, Mark!

(I didn’t know any of that.)

Yeah, you can say that again.

The villain of the movie will be a TSA Agent.

a fat black queen? doubtful

She did a huge thing on twitter a couple years ago about the power of men in society because an airport guard asked for her number. Now we're supposed to buy her as a superhero.

What a frump.

This chick is a complete twat.

It’d be nice if just once, the nerds sat this one out and made the movie a giant flop. Sadly, they all have FOMO about being out of the loop in any way possible on the happenings of these god-awful, corporate universes. When Aquaman makes a billion worldwide, it’s over, Johnny.

This woman has no ass, btw. They had to get a FAAAACKEN ass double to fill in:

Get a load of this fucking cunt

Hum, I’m not sure whether to think this is really offensive (though obv leaning towards yes) 

Bet she has a flat ass too. Worthless twat.

Weren't they supposed to make a superhero movie about an enormous fat bitch? I forgot what it was called but it looked like some dumb shit u/patrickstomlinson would write.

Schumers pregnancy threw a spanner in the works

fuck you for giving people an opportunity to voice opinons about this at all

Activism. "If you have unobtainable beauty like me, you can land movie roles and be paid millions!"

I would actually pay money if they had Lady Di play Captain Marvel. A fat slob shooting lasers out her eyeballs at spaceships. Has a nice coolata to simmer down and shit herself when the battle is over.

Since when did this sub evolve to neckbearding and fedora tipping? Nice Katana , ya fat tendie eating fuck

Since it's all about her fighting a hostile invading force by working for the government I guess the movie sounds alright.

I move my arms and they put fancy effects over it.

I make a difference.

She has long nipples lol

good thing superheroes don't exist cuz it'd make things a lot more difficult when we eliminate these people

Her and Disney are going to turn this into a social movement like what happened to Black Panther. When that steaming pile of shit can be turned into a form of social activism by paying $20 for a ticket and grossing a billion, Disney is going to push that hard. The problem here is the casting does a blonde (((white))) woman have as much built in oppression? I dont see women going to see this movie 4 or 5 times or bringing inner city children on field trips to the theatre to see this garbage

How is trashing super hero movies dork behavior? Google it.

I heard it but I was sucking a cock at the time. Can confirm op is a faggot.

But, but he's already been cancelled!