
1  2019-02-06 by Mcchisell


I always confuse him with the Indian dude.

This guy is a fucking kickboxer.

Dhalsim was a fucking rubber legged Ghandi looking street shitter, shitlord.

This guy is

a fictional character and is not real.

Shut up saggot.

Marion: “your not a real”

Shouldn’t stop you from making a doc on saggat, you daft cunt

I'd like to make a doc on how dumb you are.

I’d like to make a doc about how pinned your little ass down and gave it a violent rogering

Oh ok so you're a faggot with erectile disfunction, got it.

Your really taking this shit to the heart. I didn’t know you were such Whitney faggot. It’s as if you can’t have shit thrown your way. Almost as if you’d be willing to doxx over something like this. Almost sounds like someone we know. Anyways, keep taking offense

What is that, copypasta?


This sub is getting too alternative for me.

You didn't hear? We're not doing that anymore.