"If you ever need to make people forget that you masturbated, what you do is you make a joke about kids being shot."

1  2019-02-05 by TangerineReam

Weeks later, I'm still laughing at that line. I mean; the fucking balls to deliver it confidently, in any sense....it just makes me happy...

I hope this nigga's back for real, and that he's not going to flip into a Hillary (((shill)))....


Why do you think he still doesnt like Hillary, just because people are mad he made jokes? He's going to be doing interviews about Kamala Harris in 6 months

Louis is the kind of guy who identifies too strongly as a cultured urbanite to ever align himself with middle america politically

It's her turn, anyway.

because he was trying to cushion the blow of this shit getting out or possibly even prevent it outright. I wouldn't be surprised if he took the 'voting is horseshit' angle now

The full gregg?

Nah his cancelled movie was about how artists can be sexual perverts. He's a just a faggot. Funny faggot, though.

Haha did he actually say that? Link?

no audio, but it was quoted in the paper that covered his set.

He needs to ingratiate himself to Hollywood in order to be forgiven, he is not as many or has the fuck you money that Mel has, so he needs (((Hollywood))), they are notorious leftists. They love sad apologetic goys white people.

He will be shilling for whatever dark skinned democrat emerges from the primaries so he can virtue signal about how progressive he is.

We need a masturbation pride movement to address this phobia

I masturbate in the dark!


He just sold out 6 shows in Tampa in under an hour

How many seats ?

However many said yes to the jerk offer

Plus his guarantee was probably way over what they would cover at door and the bar. He's probably getting a guarantee, door and bar, AND a coupla bucks for his troubles.


He's always been a superlib. He said many times on O&A that Sarah Palin scared him and I think he even compared her to Hitler

"They saw a black guy being a nigger and said 'hey look, there's a nigger'"

-Louis "superlib" C.K.

Yeah what's your point? He's funny. But he believes in most of the liberal talking points, has probably voted blue his entire life, and is a self proclaimed socialist. However he never really cared about UHFFEYNDING people and he didn't want to deplatform others. Just don't let his demeanor distract you from the fact that if Hillary runs again, he will get on his knees and degrade himself

Calm down, political faggot

Less than a year ago everyone on here was calling Louie a cuck, now he's the greatest man to walk the earth. I'm not political. I'm annoyed at how quick everyone's opinion on here shifts and how everyone acts like they are so firm in their lifestyle choices, meanwhile most of the people here are too cool for the room faggots who can't keep a meaningful relationship with anyone, myself included. Fine I'll stop getting annoyed and flipping an autistic fit. Guess I should just stick to posting "Mel is God" and "heebie beefers lol"

I demand intellectual integrity in my shitposting subreddits, damnit!

I was with you until you criticized beefers

I'm annoyed at how quick everyone's opinion on here shifts and how everyone acts like they are so firm in their lifestyle choices, meanwhile most of the people here are too cool for the room faggots who can't keep a meaningful relationship with anyone, myself included.

Of course opinions shift, it is human nature. As far as keeping meaningful relationships, I would try and not let this subreddit have any type of effect on that.

I recommend browsing through here while high, its much more enjoyable that way.

My point is anyone who isn't black and has said nigger on camera more than half a dozen times doesn't deserve the title of "superlib" . Liberal, sure because he is. Superlib? Not really.

ill defined terms don't translate well especially in text

Yeah that's true

He can vote however he wants. Im just glad he's good at his standup. How he votes is up to him.

Continued votes for team blue will turn america into a country where whites are a minority. You don't think that would piss of some white people?

This isn't a waiting room at a doctor's office I don't have to be polite. Also my point isn't about him voting blue, it's that he has consistently voiced his political opinion. Why do people assume that just because leftist pc types have turned against him that means that he's now not going to shill for Democrats? I don't really have an opinion regarding politics, this is a comment regarding the op mind you

self proclaimed socialist

lol no


lmao how about you just support your claim you rube

Why don't you? Instead of saying "lol no" like a nigger. Argue like a white man faggot

Ever hesrd of a concept called “burden of proof”? You said he proclaimed himself a socialist. Support your claim or admit you’re full of shit lmao


What are you, 5?

What are you, 5?

What are you, Jim Florentine?


You're using gay text speech while trying to engage with me in a real argument XD

get REKD ;D

Real argument? I’m sorry, I thought making a modicum of effort to substantiate a claim was a requirement for there to be an argument.

There is no argument here lol. You’re just lashing out because you got called on your bullshit.

"Whahhh Whahhh" "I'm a little autistic bitch that nobody loves"

real arguing




early Hitler*

Best punchline of the bootleg.

This wasn’t in the bootleg you nipple.

I know that, fam.



It’s fantastic

I hope he goes all in. Ticket sales are proving fans want that shit

You hear about the Parkland guy responding to Louis with a 'comedy set' of his own.


Great joke. Fucking heeb

Louis is the kind of guy who identifies too strongly as a cultured urbanite to ever align himself with middle america politically

because he was trying to cushion the blow of this shit getting out or possibly even prevent it outright. I wouldn't be surprised if he took the 'voting is horseshit' angle now