America hating Cunts

1  2019-02-05 by sandywhiskerbiscuit


Our Islamic brothers have failed us by not beheading that one on the left

Get the fuck outta here with this shit you queer

I’d be an awesome orgy though

I bet you would, friend.

Oh, well, now my face is all red.

I smoked pot and made out with Rashida Tlaib at a party about 12 years ago.

I want her to sit on my face and call me a dirty kike

She has both beefers and a dumper that could spark civil unrest on this sub.

That said, she had red wine/garlic breath and a sloppy, active tongue. 7>10


I'd fuck the one on the right.

Retards can't consent.

So it's better.


Only the third one from the left does anything for me.

Nobody cares. They're women and as such have no real impact on society. Also no beefers so extra useless.

I couldn't even imagine attempting a conversation with these broads. I've spoken/argued with plenty of intelligent women about societal roles. Hey, you wanna all be coal-miners and soldiers, and send the husbands home to take care if the kids, sounds great, I've got pancakes going and we'll fire up the Xbox! Rational women (which makes them intelligent) say "No thanks". Then I will concede "Yeah, we probably shouldn't be allowed to slap you around like it's the 50's anymore", I get my dick sucked it's all gravy my navy. Then women that look like this show up, a bunch of salty shit-cunts! Putting words in your ladie"s ear like "You don't have to take that from him". Fat/brown, whatever they are, nothing but cock-blocks, mind your own business bitch!

At one of my old jobs I was talking with my boss once. There were complaints that there were hardly any women on the team. He was a sexist fat turd that would have loved to have some eye candy on the team. The problem is that women quite literally never applied. It was a general labor, shitty, backbreaking job and they never applied but still bitched.

I actually got fucked over in a situation like that. I was working for a state college doing "grounds work". I applied for a "building maintenance" job in a brand new building, that was a few thousand more a year, but was total cush, maybe a sink clogs once a week, go check it out. A young/attractive female cleaner from somewhere on campus applied for the same job. No problem, I've been there longer and have seniority, I have more construction knowledge than her... She got the job because HR wanted more women in "trades" also, her new boss is a total creep and I can't blame him for wanting to check out her ass over mine. Enjoy your progress ladies!

Looks like a Beneton ad.

I wanna fuck the beaner on the right.

I bet she fucks like an epileptic rabbit.

Calm down, Joe.

AOC can get it

Nothing like these four to make me not hate women

Dude, this is America.

Socialism is not America, faggot.