A Mel Gibson Movie, written by the O&A Sub

1  2019-02-05 by GregorioThomassoni

Let's brainstorm this one, gang. As a screenwriter myself, I feel it's apt to address the most relevant question first:

How do we work in the jacuzzi scene?

I'm thinking he tracks down a Russian drug dealer to a grungy old sauna/steam room, and after dispatching with the bad guys he grabs one of the eastern european whores (a cameo for Oksana?) and forces his cock down her throat. Then, after splurging right down her gullet he throws her to one side, lights a cigar and hits the jacuzzi.

Anyone beat it?


Mel would never be in a movie written by this retarded fucking sub and to think he'd even consider it is insulting.

We'll see, fucker. I'm going to write a script specifically for an ageing-yet-jacked American-Aussie and get it made. Then they'll always upvote me!

You're a fucking idiot. Shut up.

Being a failure doesn't count as a career example Hillary lost the election so we can't say she's president

One movie doing the rounds at festivals. Another in the can. Multiple scripts optioned.

Who's the failure, fucko?

Some of us make it out of Panera.

Well I'm sorry I hurt your ego it was only a joke but please link to your work I would love to see it as a aspiring film maker my self

He’s lying and will never say what movies he’s written. The excuse is he can’t dox himself

Alright... time to embarass myself...

Added link to short film in main post. It's not great, but it was literally the first thing I ever wrote.

Anthony and patrice had a mad max movie where the villain is a russian whore who has army of men whose cocks she sucked

Just short films. If you want to get one made, post your script on simplyscripts.com. Directors trawl that site constantly for short film scripts.

Not only did you not hurt my ego, I knew it was a joke, and my comment was also a fucking joke! Fucking fucko!

know any good websites that i can read to learn script writing format?

i dont wanna go get a book

Mate, format will be the least of your worries. Any free software will take care of the format for you.

What you need to worry about is form. As in, what makes the storytelling techniques of a movie different from a book, tweet, meme, etc?

Google will throw up plenty of info, but here's a few 'industry insider' links: https://johnaugust.com/scriptnotes https://gointothestory.blcklst.com/ https://www.simplyscripts.com/


Have we really reached the point where we're writing Mel Gibson fanfics?

Riiight... because that's so much weirder than what we normally do.

Gay, fucking shit

I'm used to... being from the east coast.

we need to do Patrice's mad max idea, where the villain is a russian woman and all her henchmen are guys whose dicks she sucked.

Was thinking about it too, but the reality is women would be immediately subjugated in that world.

I suppose it could be done in a more unrealistic tone, like a Robert Rodriguez film or something.