You either like Anthony Cumia or Jordan Peterson - it's time to take sides, Brothamen

1  2019-02-05 by GregorioThomassoni

This is targeted at those hypocrites who criticize Cumia for being no more than a typical, lazy, deviant comedian, yet also decrie Jordan Peterson as a faggot for his love of clean rooms.

People like Opie (pbuh) have clean rooms. People like Anthony make fun of people like Opie. You laugh.

If Anthony was a nice, balanced human being we wouldn't be here because he would never have been funny in the first place.

So what are we talking here? Are we no more than nihilists?

Confession: I snorted coke 'as a family' with my mother; I lusted after my cousin(s); I abandoned my mother; and if I can, I'm going to try and fuck young broads instead of old broads for as long as I can, or until I get sick of it.


I pick neither.

They're both faggots.

you should stop doing coke now

Can't we hate both of these homosexuals?

Who the fuck is Jordan Peterson?

With Jordan Peterson, I've never seen a person more in love with the sound of their own voice, and say SO Much, yet so little.

Shut up. You know it's possible to hate 2 people right?


Anthony needs to clean his room

They can both suck my dick.

I like Peterson as a psychology lecturer. I don't get why he's treated as much more than that. The "intellectual dark web" thing is gay as fuck.

I agree with you on the intellectual darkweb thing. It's all sheltered middle-class cunts thinking they're secret agents or some shit.

As for why he's treated as more than a psychology expert... I could write a very wacky sounding essay on what I think JP is really up to. In the meantime, he's helped me put some of my life into perspective.

Anthony knows more about Buddhism and Nietzsche, and Peterson is better at sucking twink dick and fleeing negroes.

It's ironic.

I hate both of them. Cumia is a racist pedophile alcoholic rapist who bites women and hires male prostitutes to fuck his ass and sends welfare checks to his failed musician and disgraced former military brother so that he can molest his niece. Peterson is a bitch ass faggot who milked the fuck out of his 5 minutes of fame to sell gay books about cleaning your room.

Leave Chief Brotherman Opie out of this