Comedian Jim Norton's never ending support of the UFC has finally paid off with a chance to fight in the octagon

1  2019-02-05 by ricswrangler


That's actually pretty cool. I'm a fag I know

It would've been pretty cool if he would have pounded that retard's watery head in like he would any other opponent.

It wouldn't have made a difference either way. That little fella would still be smearing shit on walls and ripping the skins off of neighborhood cats

If Diego would’ve did what we all wanted him to remember by being a dick and clocking that dunder head like he would a legit fighter, shit would’ve got real. Thats when that retards inner, feral, mongoloid strength would’ve surfaced and he would went straight for Diego’s dick and balls and eyes like a domesticated chimp that freaks out on its owner

Yeah. You're right. It'd still be pretty cool to see a retard literally tear the face, genitals and fingers off of a man though.

I would not call you a ''homosexuel'' for falling to this pandering , but understand that lies are not true no mater how good they feel . This tard did not win and sue lightning is not a girl mater how pretty her face might be ...such a shame...would fuck if he was a girl ...

Considering trannies have nothing to do with this post and you brought Sue up anyway, safe to say you'd gobble that cock up in a heart beat

This angers me soooo much . Its like giving a scholarship to a Neggra just because he is ...neggra .

You ok?

Fake news. Jim doesn’t have that much muscle.

Diego probably has less Brian cells than the tard. That dude is gonna be worse than Ali when he gets older.

Brian cells????? Congrats on your first MMA win!

the irony of calling someone stupid when you misspell brain. nice job, faggot.

Typos = stupidity? Dumb faggot.

Typos = stupidity? Lol, ok. A fucking Diego Sanchez fan, now I've seen it all.

Anyone who doubts the existence of retard strength needs to watch this little fucker go!

I wish that little guy would’ve tarded out and used his retard strength to murder Sanchez and whomever tried to stop him.

Wonderful use of the object case!

Or gotten round housed by the fighter. Either would've been great

Tardo-rican Rattle Snake.

You can just say Puerto Rican

Everyone is so transfixed by the tard warrior that they failed to notice that his opponent appears to be jacking inside of the octagon.

He also broke a record for UFC fighter with the highest IQ.

Hahaha Holy shit

I was just waiting for Sanchez to drop him with one of those Anderson Silva front kicks.

Looks like an average UFC fan to me.

Lot of pulled punches, and the arm bar the retard locked him in wasn't one that would make anyone tap. But still, a very nice thing that happened, nonetheless.

Why am I trying to break down a Make-A-Wish fight literally? I'm such a dumb faggot.

this reminds me of when jim met tony romo

Where can I sign up for this?