Never forget the Dassabesso incident by Chocolate Chipperson (name credit to /u/bonniesretardsister)

1  2019-02-05 by iWhoreSchortSchorts


Stanhope's reaction still gets me.

He's absolutely dumbfounded.

I had to take a year off from this place while I was recovering from my mental health crisis. When I finally decided I was ready to return, it was dassabesso everywhere and I was so confused. In a way, I can relate to how newcomers feel when visiting us for the first time

Upvotes for this touching story of recovery, strength, and compassion please.

Sending positive thoughts your way!

Internet hugs hug

One day at a time.

theresh no chemical sholution to a shpiritual problem, okay?

Grashe of God.

Sending psychotic thoughts your way, hope you don't have any dental fillings!

Thoughts and prayers! Thoughts and prayers everywhere!

Thoughts and prayers


PM me if you ever want to talk about it.

No one new is coming here and diabetes, heart disease, and suicide, are killing what is left.

Love and respect 🙏

Nice preface, stupid.

It bothered Sherrod to an awesome degree

was he wrong tho?

It may actually be the best, though

Any one of us would be delighted to chill and fuggen on a movie set


Circus Ole!

Sherrod is the biggest waste of space in the industry, I wish I wasn't a useless fuck and could share with you the clip of him during the chocolate candies fight on Opie's show. I swear to Christ, he'll annoy the fuck out of you, he kept shrieking in a loud voice:

"knock it out now" "I'm here now, knock it out now" "knock it out now"

Douche chills, even worse than this. I think this guy sucks canal water.

"That's your president, Bill."

Proud of yourself?

When I think if Sherrod this is the first thing that comes to mind. The second is him manbhandling Mark Norman because he's a big, dumb nigger who can dish it out continuously but can't take a single lick.

I also think of how he pretends to be "educated" because he went to a historical nigger college where a degree is basically a certificate saying your iq is at or above 80. He talks childlike level black centric stupidity that defeats itself with its contradictions. Needless to say, I hate the fat nigger

There was another clip of Doug looking at him with utter disgust. Does anyone remember which it was?

So glad we don't hear much of Sherrod anymore.

Chocolate Chipperson

Good one.

More like dogshit chipperson

I show this to people unfamiliar with the sub. I've made a game of it. The aim is to say "dassabesso" as retarded as Sherrod does but to fit it into a conversation without noticing

Do you also wear one of those flowers on your shirt pocket to squirt water at people, stupid?

Do you also wear one of those flowers on your shirt pocket to squirt water at people, stupid?

Chocolate Chipperson is good but I've always preferred Chimp Chimperson.

Political mastermind

the man has no place in show business. he's retarded.

"That's your president, Bill."