Looks like we all lost bowel control over ol foggy face

1  2019-02-05 by betamaxdrome


Everyone who doesn't like fat talentless authors is a Nazi. Got it.

They also love “triggering” the trolls. He doesn’t trigger anyone, triggered people shake and cry. His trolls get him banned from twitter and fuck up his life. Fucking retarded faggot.

I lost bowel control laughing at his fat face, so he's half right

I bet he finished typing that, folded his arms triumphantly, and leaned back in his chair smiling.

Then farted.

I only ever lost bowel control while laughing at his his fat face during heroin withdrawal, thus I win.

Of all the deplorables accused of being -philes of one sort or another, he is the only one I'd change sidewalks for.

He was so obsessed with that shit. He genuinely thought sperging on twitter was a legitimate part of his identity. Glad you queers got this bigger queer banned.

He makes Nana’s Twitter use look sane and reasonable. His entire persona was based on being a stupid cunt devoid of self-awareness on Twitter. He really thought he was important because of social media followers. Also he’s fat as fuck and can’t even see it.

"It," in this case, being his dick. You know, because he's fat.

"lose bowel control"?

He's the kind of nerd who also rehashes tired metaphors like "gird your loins". Hack!

He is no match for this sub, he has to know this' Yet his pride won't let him fade away

His wife is getting fucked raw as we speak

Wow I wonder who wrote that