More people have watched Beige’s “Anthony Cumias Demented World” than have watched Anthony Cumias new free TACS episode w Ann Coulter on youtube.

1  2019-02-04 by PhishInVa2

Also more people than Owen Benjamins free TACS episode on youtube. Obscurity.


Ann Coulter has been saying the same stupid shit for a decade. Oh wait, so has Tranth

She burned her bridge with POTUS, now she's on a totally obscure internet show.

How did she do that?

I'm not listening to these old fucking idiots say stupid shit.

first of all libtard, my brother and i ain't that old

I didn’t realize she had, but she has been highly critical of him for not getting the wall built from day 1 in office.

She hit the wall 20 years ago.

Face first.

It's 2019. Are we still pretending he just took office?

is it really current year, trevor?

That only works when you're talking about ideologies, bud. I'm talking about literal dates. He's more than halfway through his presidency. At what point do you hold him accountable for failing?

he hasnt failed to make me smile one single day since he won. and isnt that what really counts?

You smiled when he approved a 38 billion dollar payment to Israel? You smiled when he put his son in law in charge of everything? You smiled when he appointed Sessions? You applauded when he buckled and let the Dems win again on the wall?

His trolling of the media is fun, but he's done nothing but fail miserably at his actual job.

Wrong subreddit, faggot.

like i give a fuck about any of that


In a few years we'll be no different so I may as well just stay here. Unless you meant Germany in 1940, in which case I'll gladly go.

You did save it quite nicely. I'm conflicted because I both hate / love germans. It can be an insult or the highest compliment

And theyre both so easy on the eyes.

She hasn't been saying the same stuff, but very visibly and awkwardly changes her positions just to get media attention. I remember in 2006-2008 she was talking about how George Bush was a great President and how America needs more war and needs to invade Syria because they are "the most westernized and democracy loving Muslim country in the Middle East", in 2010-2012 she was sucking Mitt Romney's dick when Chris Christie didn't run for President saying he was the most "Reagan" candidate in history. Now she is lecturing people about "pointless wars in the Middle East," talks about how she hates Romney and George Bush, is anti-establishment, is anti-Trump, and now primarily talks about immigration. She is probably really hoping nobody goes back and reads what she wrote a decade ago due to how hard people would start purity spiraling. I don't think she expected Trump to win and was saying she liked him early on to be edgy, and how is trying to gain attention.

And that thing is Pat Buchanan, shes funny and all but if you want to see where most of these people steal their entire argument from just go to the source and read Death of the West.

Me? I'm always evolving. New firm allegiances here. I go with what is technically right.

Can’t believe people aren’t dying to listen to boring Florentine either

What am I, 65?

Does this really surprise you?

Not whatsoever

Probably because you autistics view them over and over and over again. Beige's videos are low quality. Not in Porsalin's league.

No slam to Porsalin at all. I love his work. But im specifically comparing Cumia content. The Materese doc has more views than Ants new episodes too! (As well as MDE doc with like 100k). But fuck you for the Beige hate.

Porsalin is a Cumia apologist and a fag.

Porsalin had some polished fun and jokes but Beige is better at content.

Relax, Joey Meatsauce

I don't even know who Joe Materese is.

How do you guys have the energy hating these literal nobodies?

What would you do here?

You post in R/hatesubreddits. Youre a faggot. You want subs like this shut down because youre “awwwfennnnded”.

That sub is hilarious, thanks for turning me on to it.

Well looks like I'll never moderate a sub reddit.

For some reason, I imagined that AHS was a big sub.

Nope - less than a hundred people online.

And these cunts are able to get subs banned all the time?

they downvote in pain as they strike you lash out

Shut up faggot

The only episode of Cumia's show I've ever watched beside a Greggshells episode.

However, I was only watching for Ann Coulter and nothing else. Because she is not a faggot.

I don't disagree with their sentiment on that episode. Obviously a politician should be held to their promises. The wall might be a bit goofy as an election promise, but it would be a drop in the bucket compared to the ungodly amounts of money and engineering resources devoted to maintaining the global hegemony every year. Even the most cynical Trump supporters who only believe that the wall would serve a mostly symbolic function could justify the expense, even if it means the number of foreign military bases goes from 781 to 780.

That being said, how the hell does Ant still think he's funny? He doesn't even try, with the embarrassing exception of when he tries to fake-laugh his sidekick's alexa-tier jokes into the endzone. As I'm writing this I let the episode continue playing in the background and he's now giving a lecture on abortion law.

Lastly, Jim Florentine sucks so much dick that he makes Ant's nameless sidekick look good. He's just not good at comedy. Jim found a formula in the 80's and it worked for a lot longer than it should have, but it's time for him to stop torturing himself and find a career doing something he's actually good at like making cuckold porn.


She is though.

Ann is the incarnation of Anti-faggotry.

The Queen of NotAFagLand

Bend a knee faggot!


Safe to say you are

I know you are.

Coulter's race comments and ability to use humor makes a certain type of person see red.

I don't disagree with their sentiment on that episode. Obviously a politician should be held to their promises. The wall might be a bit goofy as an election promise, but it would be a drop in the bucket compared to the ungodly amounts of money and engineering resources devoted to maintaining the global hegemony every year. Even the most cynical Trump supporters who only believe that the wall would serve a mostly symbolic function could justify the expense, even if it means the number of foreign military bases goes from 781 to 780.

That being said, how the hell does Ant still think he's funny? He doesn't even try, with the embarrassing exception of when he tries to fake-laugh his sidekick's alexa-tier jokes into the endzone. As I'm writing this I let the episode continue playing in the background and he's now giving a lecture on abortion law.

Lastly, Jim Florentine sucks so much dick that he makes Ant's nameless sidekick look good. He's just not good at comedy. Jim found a formula in the 80's and it worked for a lot longer than it should have, but it's time for him to stop torturing himself and find a career doing something he's actually good at like making cuckold porn.

Compound Media has been getting every year.

Yeah, I know it was a dumpster fire in the beginning but it's solid now.

I'm even watching Ant's show again; the Roger Stone interview is the best podcast I've heard in months.

Also, he's been getting better guests because Conservatives are getting deplatformed every where else. It's only a matter of time until Gavin is back on the network.


Bullshit you sarcastic faggot.

I unironically enjoy the shows now. Yeah, I know TACS was garbage a year ago, it's better now.

I also like listening to Gavin's old shows and Malice's show.

if this is true someone should put it on piratebay again

Then why is every free show or best of compilation I have tried to sit through utter drivel?

Too bad we don't want to watch CM for Conservatives. We want funny back, not bitching about politics.

he's been getting better guests

Nobody goes on CP Media on their way UP the career ladder

100%, no doubt. But it's also kinda delicious to hear Milo groveling.

Fuck off ant

Identity politics are for retards and fuck boys

Ha ha ha, holy shit.

I’m not even a little surprised. Ant is completely irrelevant. Obscurity has locked its gates and he’s not getting out.

God i hate Dave Landau



What is going on here, you guys actually hate Anthony, Jimmy, etc?

Watch BeigeFrequencys Demented World of Anthony Cumia and tell me if you actually like him? Hes a legit woman beating pedophile.

I like the other guys documentaries, on Jim, Sam Roberts, the other Sam, etc, but those come from the perspective of a guy who is a fan.

You actually hate the people this subreddit is about?

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Haha faggot

he's an older man and his time is done.

All episodes of TACS are free.

Ya on the app and still noone cares

wait really

More people probably watched an unboxing video for the latest Jitterbug phone than TACS.

I hate Owen Benjamin. He has a nervous psychopath energy and isn't funny.


Hey whatsup



he hasnt failed to make me smile one single day since he won. and isnt that what really counts?