Joe Cumia is a dope.

1  2019-02-04 by RBuddCumia


Goddamn, I hate niggers and these communist fucks too, but I don't spend every hour of every day thinking about them. I can only imagine the incoherent rants his poor daughter must endure.

He has the nigger victim complex but a white identity

Anything to keep the thoughts of blowing men at the Big Apple Ranch out of his mind.

Sorry if I'm not keeping it civil but what a complete retard he is. I love how he acts like his post is going to create some epic world changing debate


Please Joe, please either chose either passive or active voice when writing and stop changing between the two, it legitimately hurts my brain.

Let's keep it civil here, redditards!

Wait, is he offended that Dave Chappelle did a sketch in white face? What’s going on here?

Yes and he likes the Democrat governor of VA

Until tomorrow, when he finds out his new favorite black faced governor is also into KILLING babies as they’re being birthed and he writes a screed about that to his devoted followers.

Is he or life? I think he would be happy about black fetucide

I think he’s like his brother; when he was getting women pregnant and changing his phone number he was pro choice; now that he’s a limp dick step granddad on welfare rooting for a political team, he’s certainly pro life.

I've never hated someone I agree with so much.

Well, to help you with that little conundrum...Joe’s just stealing his “opinions” from other people just like he steals his persona from famous, successful musicians etc. so you’re not at all agreeing with Joe you’re agreeing with those that joe has stolen from.


Still has no idea why blackface is offensive where whiteface isn't. I remember him asking exactly what the difference was on Twitter and someone succinctly explained it to him. He responded by asking the same question but worded differently. He's incapable of thought.

Incapable of new thoughts.

At the risk of sounding woke, black people doing white face isn't comparable to white guys doing blackface. There's kind of a whole history behind blackface that is filled with violent racism. That history doesn't exist the other way.

All this to say, Joe Cumia is an ignorant old fuck who should do the world a favor and jump off a bridge.

no concept of simple scenarios.

He is just an old boomer that thinks the internet is interconnected between 1000 friends on Facebook from a semi successful little brother. He gets off on 15 likes. He thinks that is successful. He has never had 15 people agree in a room from what he has ever said, ever. He has zero scope of the internet. There are millions and millions of people vomiting opinions on the internet. 15 likes from family, friends, and sychophants is enough to charge his ego. He really is the stupidest cunt on the planet.