
1  2019-02-04 by Single_Action_Army


lets get ‘em!

This is very accurate

Fact! So what is Brother Joe up to?

Nice pointing out the obvious, stupid.

Damn he got us

that's the bit right there!



Line of the day!


One "But seriously guys, I have an illness and you guys helped me through some tough times" thread away from crying on each others tits like Ed Norton on meatloaf



rip whatshisname

But honestly, I really was experience some dark times when I found this sub. You guys taught me how to laugh again

Too bad you didn't die.

And how!


Reddit jargon is not permitted here, faggot

Understood but I won’t apologize to a faggot who knows reddit jargon.

Apology accepted

But he didn’t apologize! You knew that but accepted anyway! Oh Jeremy! You’re incorrigible!

enough !!!!!! faggot

Back of, Commodore. This isn't your show.

I’m not even people!

soon as im done sucking these many cocks i am gonna do something about this

Philip Marma agrees.


He watches over us still. Have a little faith brotherman.

All I know is I wasn't on when that 1,652 number was active, so I'm not a faggot.

Hey......that's me

Just because I blew the mailman for my mail the other day does not dictate who I am as a faggot.

You know he's supposed to give you that for free, right?

Your point?

the only logical step is for us to turn on ourselves.

I'm faggot # 22,046

No way, I'm 22,047. Sup faggot


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I hate meta

Well, I NEVER!

All of them or the 1652 that were online when this was taken?


rip whatshisname

But honestly, I really was experience some dark times when I found this sub. You guys taught me how to laugh again

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