
1  2019-02-04 by unclepaul84


It’s a better looking couple than him and Beth

I really wish we could flood the stern sub with our negative outlook.

What's holding us back?

Any attempts to brigade will get the post deleted.

It would be nice to see some Sal faggot posts

I throw in negative comments there all the time. Bunch of sensitive fags and women on that sub

I posted one, it’s already downvoted

Truth, lots of delicate little pissy retards over there.

One little bitch said that the stern sub should stop making posts about Artie because it might give him a breakdown.

Waaaaah the junky hack comedian I romanticized is overdosing waaaaaaah

I wanted to fucking strangle them

These can’t possibly be the same people that listened during the 90s and early mid 2000s.

I know more than a few guys who listened to Stern back in the day and they’re all shit now except one. One guy even invited himself to a women’s march.

people on the stern sub HATE jokes. It's bizarre

They seem to hate Jason Kaplan. They didn’t get the Gilbert Alpha male joke.

they don't get any jokes and they seem to hate the old Stern show

All they do is repeat all the old quotes. Not to mention some even argue Robin is what makes the show. It's the Twilight Zone over there

I heard something along the lines of “Robin is responsible for some of the greatest moments on the show “.

I remember a thread on her bday where the cuck OP stated that there would be no Howard Stern Show if it weren't for her. And most people agreed with the faggot. I will listen to old Stern stuff from time to time, and literally 0% of it is anything Robin is the center of. She bats somewhere around .012 in saying anything funny.

i'll admit she's had some good lines but 99% of her value comes from the old days when Stern would needle her about her bizarre, awful personality and the shitty way she treats people

Her value was always as a token that allowed Stern to get away with shit on air and also as Stern's stoolie who laughed at all his jokes and joined in on shitting on Jackie or Gary or Benjy or whoever was in the barrel.

You just have to remember that the people on that sub are the kind of people who chose to be Stern fans after he sold out and started telling Lena Dunham she's a genius. Of course they're retarded.

Probably all fans from the last 5 years. All Stern does now is suck celebrity cock and pretend to be edgy based on a history.

Opie and Anthony at WAAF

"Who the hell enjoys that dancing...." "I love your dancing!"

Even Ellen did a double take on that one

Remember when he used to call her Allan Degenerate?

Nice totally natural body language, stupid.

The Stern subreddit might be the gayest one on reddit. Everyone bitches how Stern changed, but they get offended by everything. I have no idea how any of them listened to the old show. Im pretty sure they just listened to some old youtube videos. They WORSHIP Robin Quivers on there. I called her a worthless fat nigger, and the place lost it.

That sub works better when you don't try to fit it. Who cares if they down vote you. Let the honest opinions fly.

I don’t understand what you said that wasn’t true

I called her a worthless fat nigger, and the place lost it.



Remember when he constantly referred to her as Ellen DeGenerate? Fucking phony.

Is that Howard's grandson?

Nice shoe laces stupid.

They really accentuate her Dockers Khakis

No ,touchy.jewboy.

Any attempts to brigade will get the post deleted.

It would be nice to see some Sal faggot posts