Roid dwarf Joe Rogan to interview his boss a second time

1  2019-02-04 by barlowqt



Haha, what a shock. This "truth seeker" faglet is another disingenuous scumbag.

Hey, language.

disingenuous scumbag

I'm sure the Worm will give this Rogan character a good honest dissection.

I've been using scumbag since Norton was in Hammer pants doing Sinead O'Connor jokes. It pains me that he put his slimy stamp on that word.

Dude, I'm genuinely a fiercely original guy, I'm being honest with you or somethin.

Rogan: Alex Jones was never my friend

This sucks. I liked Rogan at one point. He really is a faggot now.

You mean the guy who hosted fear factor?

Money feels awesome to accept

The UFC along with his stand up and not to mention his fear factor momey should have been enough to make him honest. Greed can hide even behind the littlest faggots

It's never enough. Our underevolved brains get so fucking jazzed on watching a number go up, even if it's arbitrary compared to how much we actually need.

There was one intelligent story Owen Benjamin said when he was airing his dirty laundry about his relationship with his dad on his stream. He was saying how his dad was so obsessed with seeing the zeros in his bank acct grow, he never spent it or enjoyed it. Just watched the numbers. The more zeros that he got, the more stressed he became about losing it all and lost his family relationship in the process.

(Note, this is from a lunatic that calls himself “Big Bear” but the moral of the story stands)

hits blunt

Joe (((Roganstein)))

Because people in the entertainment industry have no morals or principles beyond self-interest.

So selling magic iq pills to tards didn't set you off?

But they cant be BS, theyre made from Cordecepts Mushrooms and MZT Oil.

Donald Trump and Alex Jones have not sold out. You could always tell Rogan was wormy, he would speak good points about certain things. He never supported Hillary. But he's just too much in bed with liberals now and scams his own listeners.

because when you sellout like that you can afford 60 muscle cars and 8 day hunting trips in the mountains


What’s he supposed to do? Interrogate him for an hour about why fat piece of shit Sargon of Akkad got banned? Why do you faggots even care about twitter

Because I hate midget fags who talk shit and completely fold when it's time to have principles

Chapo traphouse faggot.

Anybody that listens to CT not only accepts their wives, girlfriends, boyfriends, and non gender binary significant others fucking other people, but they actively encourage it.


Chapo posters and ahs posters are the same people. It will he those sub human bugmen that have this sub banned one day.

Actually i was hoping for some insight on anthony cumias use of twitter to groom children. You got a problem with that?

Take that faggot ass shit back to the lib subreddits.


God bless America, capitalism wins again.

The only way Jack Dorsey would show up for this is if it was a repeat of the first encounter: Joe Rogan suckling Jack's balls for two hours and Jamie deleting negative comments while pinning it on "AI" and "algorithms."

I can just imagine Joe Rogan balls-to-the-wall high on DMT, eyes wide, legs spread open, getting drilled by all the big tech big shots.

What a disappointment.

Redban was the canary.

"I had DIFFERENCES wit my fuckin BOWSS!"

How many children do you think Joe Rogan has molested at those Hollywood parties?

His "Boss" is the founder of one of his numerous sponsors. He has plenty of other sponsors he could easily fall back on. I think you're overthinking it. Lets decide if he's obeying his "Boss" or not when he does the next interview of him. He's doing a second one soon because he felt he didn't do a good enough job the first time.

It's never enough. Our underevolved brains get so fucking jazzed on watching a number go up, even if it's arbitrary compared to how much we actually need.