Lucky Bitch

1  2019-02-04 by nomobjustice


What an ingrate

I’d like to be a fly on that wall myself

Why don’t you go shoplift at Saks Fifth Avenue or drop out of Godfather III four days before principle photography again, you crazy bitch.

I'm pretty sure they are done filming that movie tbh

just let him have this one, he needs it

Oven dodging snitch. Funny how you didn't see all those Hollywood Jews exploiting young starlets.

Lets be honest, if Mel is on a tear about fags, its gonna be hard to notice anything else

"This is only for taking a shit."

“An Open Secret” is a great example of her people raping kids and getting away with it too.

Yeah and it's by the lady who did the whole film about the Boston Globe and Catholic abuse. Funny how the other film never won an Oscar.

It also received zero press.

Really gets the old noggin jogging.

Hard to see much of anything when she constantly had her nose stuck in Harvey's belly button.

The chutzpah of these people!

Somebody said a mean word to me!


Not to mention barren. No new Jews came out of that hole. So she listened to Mel after all.

Sweet Picard reference name, bro.

That story ain’t news bitch ya know how many people in Hollywood seen gos smite these degenerates while he was deep in many cups.

But you’re the only one running your fuckin mouth

He called her an oven burner, which is just not true.

If she was in an oven and burned as Mel alleged, then she would not be spouting accusations 1454645 years later so the social media mob can give her 2 days of attention.

I bet she has a new project coming out soon.

Good one.

I will do Mels case pro bono using this argument.

Just make sure you remind the judge that racists can enter contracts

Also volunteer out of no where that I am not a pedophile, yeah I know, I watched that Peoples Court 300 times.

I got this. I know how to win.

Mel be with you

oven burner

he called her an oven dodger, stupid

Good thing he didn't hire me as a lawyer.

lol if you believe all that malarkey

makes for great films tho

Thank God they make a new one every year. It's almost like they enjoy proftitting off of it.

U/AntsCamera - are you lost?

god i can't fucking wait for dragged across concrete

She really was piece of ass.

Imagine being lucky enough to see mel do a set and complaining about it.

orgasm intensifies

How much dick did she suck to get a career?

Pre, or post-Jacuzzi?

I have always appreciated her large breasts. It makes it tolerable to listen to her.

What a has-been rat cunt.

she annoys me but dumping one in peak winona would probably be the greatest memory of my life

Good thing he didn't hire me as a lawyer.