Tons of grown men are complaining on the internet right now because a shitty pop band didn't play a Spongebob song during the Half-Time Show

1  2019-02-04 by RelevantField

What a bunch of faggots



Huh? What was that? I was too busy drinking my employee-mandated soylent rations

I’m glad about moments like that. It’s a phenomenon to know that so many faggots had a joint stream of conscious faggotry.

God King Gibson orchestrated this event as a practice run to see if he root out a certain group (JEWS) of people.

I don't understand, why would they have played the song?


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Sports + popular music = extreme faggotry of the highest magnitude.

So now that the dust has settled what did you fellas think of the Super Bowl

pretty boring I have to say, and I'm a Pats fan.

Might have been the most boring Superbowl I've ever watched. Even the commercials were terrible.

tbf the commercials have been terrible for the past decade plus.

First time properly watching the Superbowl and it was really good I thought. As someone on the other side of the Atlantic though, I am used to sports which don't commonly have both teams scoring double digits. Playing Madden games helps as well.

Really though, stuff like this makes me wonder what Patrice would have thought. Obviously he would have loved it. I don't follow American sports much but hearing him and Bill Burr talk about sports on O&A is always very enjoyable.

As an American fan of soccer and specifically the premier league I appreciate your open kindness towards our sports.

I must bid you farewell I drink many gallons of cum as you can tell and taking the time to write this has got me backed up.

tbf the commercials have been terrible for the past decade plus.