How dafuq do we ‘posed ta keep peace?

1  2019-02-04 by Newb0rn_Fleshlight


Ta’quisha killin it boi Amerihood Idol here she comes.

Omg I didn’t realize other people knew this song.

It’s so cold in the D

10 million views

Is that u/sams_seed?

She is reprising “Snoops” role in the new season of The Wire.

There is a new season of the wire?

Nice getting the joke, stupid.

Plus, Snoop is dead

I guess that's good. Couldn't understand her anyways. Did she die in a non caucasian way?

Oof you're right I'm a fucking moron

So code in da "D"!

That's the cemetery where Jim Norton prowls for dick

It’s all on a niggas miiind

musicians with more talent than "Brother" Joe Cumia 1/every single one of them even 5 year olds that bang on pots and pans

Grow the fuck up.

Pipe it down nigger or else I take away your EBT card and Newport’s.