Women were a fucking mistake part 8

1  2019-02-03 by betamaxdrome


We're reaching a new low if we become an incel sub


Daniel Leri isn’t a woman.


I have a theory. That only reason men haven’t fully de humanized women into just sex cattle is because somewhere a long the lines, some faggot said they have important things to say.

And here we are, 2019. Women want to dress in skin leopard print bodysuits, be called brave and fierce and not what they are, slags.


I was on board until this last piece of britfaggery.

You god damned red, white and blue goo gobbler.

I’d use another word. But I’m to the word slag. It sums bitches up perfectly.

Pretty gay

I have a theory. That only reason men haven’t fully de humanized women into just sex cattle is because somewhere a long the lines, some faggot said they have important things to say.

And here we are, 2019. Women want to dress in skin leopard print bodysuits, be called brave and fierce and not what they are, slags.

Those guys won’t survive the Vice restructuring.

These people should be registered in a database somewhere and be denied of all police services if they think it’s so awful. Ungrateful cunts. They’d be in the fetal position under their bed dialling 911 at the first sign of a home invasion too.

I'd never advocate packs of niggers being sent after them