The Lards of Flatbush

1  2019-02-03 by Shitposting-Ghost


This photo smells like rotten cheesy asscrack

And hemorrhoid cream

Armband tats are sweeeeeeeet!!!!

The Dope Of Greenwich Village

We give Joe shit but at least he looks somewhat like a human not a skinnyfat goblin like his brother

If faggots had an army, this would be there VFW

The manliest one is in the movie poster.

I don't understand the shape of the blue guy. He's got a build like grimace.

Or Humpback Whale

Or Hannah Gadsby

How often do you think the blacks were discussed on this occasion?

This picture needs a token nignog.

The Slopranos

Big Pussies.

Tons of Anarchy

And their leader, Jerx Smeller.

Lords of Fagbush


American Graffati

I love how these queens have so many pictures of themselves playing poker. They're worse than teenage girls.

Looks like a halfway home for fat asses.

Old flabby armpits

The Homos of Hold 'em.

When Joe found out the guy beside also likes to cut the sleeves of his shirts he knew it was going to be a good night.

Not an ounce of muscle definition between them, or the entire table for that matter. But could you imagine to have the balls to go out in public with a sleeveless shirt and arms less defined than a prepubescent boy?

Who needs muscles when you have a bicep tat???

Dennis badass Killah mothershuck Farrell

That ugly fat fuck doesn’t get the abuse he deserves.

You think any of them know what range means without assuming it's where you shoot guns?

Such a comically small table for such a group of aging fat asses.

No chicks allowed in the MAN CAVE

Imagine how satisfying it would be to pull the pins on a couple of HE grenades, quietly roll them under the table and just walk away like Shane Vendrell.

Underrated comment

Joe always attempts this regal smile that seems to convey a message akin to something like: "That's right fellas. We've made it."

It's the face of someone taking credit for something they've never done.

someone taking credit for something they've never done.

That's his whole shtick.

Look at Joe, proudly bragging about the new number he learned today.

Who in their sane mind would wanna join them? Always bragging about "playing poker in a mansion".

Not a developed muscle in the group. So little testosterone that not even viagara could help them fuck the kids that Ant lures

This is the worst the world has to offer

Why isn't Fred from Brooklyn dead yet?

So we can laugh at him. No other reason.

For years I legit thought he was throwing parties that rivaled Gatsby's when in reality they were this + karaoke. Haha holy shit

George Costanza doppelgänger in the back

I wish my friends had poker nights. They just play random assortments of board games instead, and I don't really like board games, which is somehow an unpopular opinion among 25-35 year olds.

What are you, fucking Amish?

I just don't want to play settlers of catan or hidden desert every week

That guy has a 'fuck it, im all in' shirt. What a fun guy

Testosterone level 0.

There's no doubt that the weirdo sitting between Joe and Ant has a raging hard-on in that picture.

No Cunt For Old Men

Does joe have little dog bones tattooed on his arm?

"There was Fatty, Tubby, Fat Ass, Chubby, Waddles, Lard-Belly, Fatty 2, Tony Two-Shirts and Faggot Retard Joe. They called him that because he was such a gigantic retarded fag."

"I'm gonna pose like a retarded fag a retarded fag."

ant always looks defeated in his pictures

the aroma in the room must be intoxicating

The sad middle-aged white guy crew. Not a wet pussy within 10 miles.