Believe it or not Nia, those same parents will get up in the morning and work instead of binging on pot brownies and real housewives episodes

1  2019-02-03 by dawnshairybhole


It's adorable that she pretends she's getting out of bed at 3 and not just yelling at Bill to go deal with it.

I wouldn’t be surprised if she forces Bill to pay a night nurse to deal with 3am feedings.

lil bit of whiskey

Bill pulling a Gregg Hughes and nursing it himself

Nobody understands what it's like to wake up at 3 to yell at your husband to handle the baby!!! It's a lot of work!

i read this post and that image of him cowering under her, with her 28% larger skull, in the bed sheets

as a father of twins, fuck you and your one kid. everything you did, i did twice. and i didn’t run to social media for acknowledgement of my parenting duties. entitled cunt.

To be fair to nia, you probably didn't have to source fresh bushmeat everyday for your twins.

Haha HO-LEE shit haha

but thats what bill hill does

Puts on his hard hat every day and gets to work

/while he sits in his basement yelling into a microphone

<clap...clap...clap...> Woke up the old lady loffing at that. Bravo.

You just did faggot

this is not social media this is a hate site

This is a safe space shit lord

You just got some upvotes on reddit though Brothaman, puttin up those numbaz!

But your husband wasn't a touring comedian who was on the road all the time.

Literally anybody who's been a parent has done that you entitled sheboon.

Though I don't doubt their 99% Congolese child is a real menace.


Underrated slur. Someone referred to her as a cliff ape a while back and it made me howl.

Just do what the rest of them do, hand kids over to grandma to raise

or take them to the sound equipment heist with you

I mean, they can't arrest ALL of them.

She seems so excited to act like she finally has "real* problems.

Hardest job in the world.

So hard even 70 IQ subsaharan African women can do it x10

Bending down to put DVDs into DVD players, right Bill?

She's complaining about something you can do in your pajamas.

Bill Burr sub - “Its comedy! You’re taking it too seriously. He was just joking.”

I hate that place. They say “the lovely Nia not ironically”

She is hilarious and beautiful!

And brave and powerful! It takes courage to... um... do nothing with her life after she got married? Or something?

After Patrice died Bill went against ever moral he had.

Right! Just get over it!

the eternal cope. Tim Heidecker fans take this to another level

Same type of fags who would say racist jokes are "problematic."

harder than roofing in the summer

He always says that but then leaves out the part where he wasn't even a roofer. He was a gofer who couldn't hack working two days in the sun. Pathetic.

Gofer for Nia

He says it as a joke, stupid. Are you the idiot who takes every bit literally? He isn't giving you his biography on stage you dumb piece of shit.

He says it in jest but he is equally trying to affirm his manhood by doing the adam carolla "i know construction" shit, you freckle face defender.

Read more into a comedy bit made solely to get laughs, dumbass.

Waking up at 3 a.m. to take care of your kid isn’t that big of a deal when you don’t have to wake up at 6 a.m. to go to work. You’re a kept woman, a housewife and a stay at home mom, you infantile entitled brat. You’re complaining just to complain, but don’t understand why most parents make that complaint. You’re not running the risk of not getting up in time for work or dragging ass the next day at work in a sleep deprived stupor that jeopardizes your job performance. No, you get to sleep in and take naps all day. So suck it up, buttercup. Playing with your kid all day and taking care of her at night while otherwise living your own life like a fucking perpetual teenager ain’t so bad.

He man she’s gonna be an actor one day

She'll just need to kiss enough strange black men on screen until she makes it

Kiss them where, though?

Who the fuck are you talking to?


Didn't Chris Rock have a bit about this? Something about wanting credit for things you're supposed to do?

I ain’t never been to jail. Nigga, you’re not supposed to.

Ya wanna cookie?

I take care of my kids!!

Sounds like something Louis would have written for him

holy shit, you're dead-on. That would be hilarious if Louis CK wrote half that special.

Bill must of really wanted to stick it to parents when he brought this ni-a home to them.

must of

Fucking dumbass

Black women really struggle loudly and publicly with the most basic shit don't they?

You misspelled "All".

She chose to have kids. That's like Artie saying "some of you have never sweat for 24 hours with a caved in nose. It shows! "

But she's "a fucken FEMINIST! She don't do DISHES!"

Bitch, you wrote an entire article bitching that you're a "kept woman", and he asked you to do basic housework, and even that was too much trouble for you, you fucking ditch pig.

She's such a cunt she makes Bill a cunt by association. I hope she chokes on a wattymelon.

Well, nigger toe Nia, if you hadn’t soiled your already garbage DNA with west African Ghanaian DNA that has within it deeply engrained the ancient need to wake up every half hour to keep its monkey head on a swivel for fear of being preyed upon by jungle creatures you wouldn’t have that issue now, would you? Burr is a burrhead loving faggot cuck. Well, isn’t that ironic,

I just don’t understand moms with zero responsibilities other than keeping their babies alive complaining about lack of sleep. Sleep deprivation is bad when you have other responsibilities outside the home, like a job.

No redeemable qualities

black women were born to be mammies. Hell the spell check even recognizes "mammies." you've strayed too far from the plantation and massa's house, and to be completely honest it's done more damage to you, by whatever metric (psychologically, health, economically, morally) than to us.

Come home black woman.

I know a cunt exactly like this, except she's white and has low-grade psychological problems. Am half considering linking her Instagram account to this place just so she suddenly gets a barrage of venomous online abuse and finally has a legitimate excuse to moan about her overly privileged life.



I'll take it

Ive fantasized about getting this place after someone but thats just not how this place works. It has to be organic and my morning shit was ending so I had to wrap it up.

Does that make you feel powerful? You fucking faggot.

No, it would make me feel like a cunt (as she's the wife of a good friend of mine) that's why I won't do it.

I look after my keeiids

You're supposed to

She's pretty funny.

I believe hilarious is the preferred descriptor.

""It's the most difficult job on the planet." Oh yeah, I thought roofing in the middle of July. I thought that was difficult. But these mothers are bending over to the waist, putting dvds in the dvd players. I don't know how they do it. I don't know how they do it. Dude, any job that you can do in your pajamas is not a difficult job."

Bill "Cuck" Burr

Where I live, putting our two kids in daycare while my wife and I work would’ve cost us $700 week, or 36K a year which is take home for a 50K salary. My wife loves her job, I work for myself, so I can work early in the morning, late at night, and on the weekends no problem. So I stay home with my kids and I raise them myself instead of some daycare worker and still put in the hours I need. I’m not going to go to social media and complain about a choice that I made. First of all, we are the ones that decided to have kids. No one decided that for us. Secondly, I am the one that decided to stay home and still work and write. I knew it was going to be hard, and on some days, it feels virtually impossible. But we get through it. And guess what? I also do all of the housework, I’m one hell of a cook, I balance our budget, I direct our investments, all of that stuff. Is it hard sometimes? Yes, harder than some of you guys seem to think based on your comments. It’s also worth every single goddamn frustration to raise my own children. I’m lucky to be able to do that, I’m lucky to be at that place in my career where I can make that choice. She should be thanking God but that would require perspective and gratitude.

Hey dummy, no one is saying it's easy to take care of kids. We are making fun of a lazy bitch that thinks basic care of her kids deserves an award

I have no idea how Bill let himself get married to this bitch. She has absolutely zero redeemable qualities. She rants about feminism even though she's been called out on doing no work, being drunk by 4 PM, she talks about privilege and shit even though she is the picture of privilege with rich ass parents, and she treats wait staff like garbage. And I'm pretty sure that she pays people to defend her on Burr's subreddit because anyone who says anything remotely negative about her gets drowned in downvotes and insults.

I have no idea how Bill let himself get married to this bitch.

he's a self-hating ginger?

You all seem like weird faggots.

You know they hired a spic nanny and probably maids too. Of course, Nia insisted that all of them be over the age of 50 so Bill doesn't get any ideas. Little does she know that Bill is so much more cucked than he even let's on. Deep down he knows the kid is not his own, but he carries on because he's afraid of dying alone.

She’s never had to work, or had any real turmoil in her life, and it shows!

Some people have to get up at 3am everyday for work. Some pople have never had a real job and it shows!

long-head nigger bitch

I've done this when I had to get up at 6am to work.

Lazy 80 IQ horse mouthed buck teeth nigger cunt.


Ugly, lazy, and entitled. What a catch.

Bill needs to keep impregnating her. Chances increase exponentially with each delivery of her perishing due to complications.

The fact that she used the words "Refused to go back to sleep" says everything. The kid didnt refuse shit you dumb entitled ape, it was just not tired. Just another deadbeat useless black mother, whoulda thunk!?


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He always says that but then leaves out the part where he wasn't even a roofer. He was a gofer who couldn't hack working two days in the sun. Pathetic.

must of

Fucking dumbass

She'll just need to kiss enough strange black men on screen until she makes it
