I know we’re all members of the church of Mel here, but have any of you thought about converting to Conneryism?

1  2019-02-03 by graemelloydforever


Old testament v new testament


No. Connery's a beta bitch. If you have to slap your woman around to bring her to heal, you're not a true man.

Mel only has to say things once.

looks like he's half a cumia to me too

Yea, but Connery also has the balls to say it on national television.

It's "heel", not "heal", you simple fuck.

Oh shit.

kids/women need a slap every now and again, it is what it is

Mel punched that Russian in the mouth.

Sometimes they need to be slapped though you preachy faggot

If you’ve given her the last word , but the last word is not enough, what’s a man to do?

Fair question.

“leave it alone”

I can't support anyone that has a lisp, don't care what accent it ish.


James Bond films are made for cunts...

Indiana Jones and The Last Crusade is a mans movie though

"Yeah... I didn't love that..."

"I haven't changed my opinion."


This snake thought she was gonna get a hot gotcha interview and he just slapped her in the mouth instead.


Scots are some of the most stubborn bastards you will ever meet in your life. Give no edge.

That’s how things used to be handled, before 24hr news networks and social media.

He already has a religion and it’s name is Islam, you may know him by his Muslim name “Ayatollah Khomeini”

He is a saint among men true compassion for disrespectful cunts hit them with a open hand not a closed fist

Slap - that's for blasphemy

He knocked out gangster Johnny Stompanato, Johnny had a gun pointed at Mr. Connery at the time.

Until Mel does something more than calling girls names, he doesn't deserve worship.

The lilting way she sneers “Remember thaa-at? Yaaah” thinking he’s going to buckle and he doesn’t give the cunt an inch.


Another outstanding man.

Oops... I was about to write a passionate post in support of the proposition, because I was all for it.. I had mistakenly read the OP as "Cosbyism".

He's not American; SO NO.

King Connery

Good God. He makes today’s chauvinists sound like fucken Michael Stipe ( not sure what that means)