Beige frequency you think it's the perfect time for a Joe Rogan documentary?

1  2019-02-03 by Cumiaisadisgrace

Don't know what you're currently working on, however seems like a good time to follow the downfall of Rogan.


One podcast where the the dislikes outweigh the likes and it's a "downfall"?

Nah I wouldn't put it down to one episode. I think people are starting to see more of how Joe non combative way towards guests in general, always agreeing with their point of view even though conflicts with what he's said in the past. He's selective defence of friends and other celebrities, giving any Schumer a pass for joke stealing, not coming to the defence of fellow comedians like norm mcdonald when he had to to do an apology tour for giving his point of view. "Downfall" maybe a bit much but I think we've all seen how quick comedians careers can quickly nose dive when goes against mainstreaming thinking.

You can't get the Elon Musks of the world if you're a combative interview. Why didn't Joe go harder at Elon for hamming up the production numbers that he barely reached by finishing them in tents with his employees working 17 hour days? He lets the guests talk instead of shouting over them, sans Crowder but that guy is seriously intolerable in everything I've seen him in. The Twitter guy clearly made enough of an ass of himself without Joe pressing him.

He lets the guests talk...

Who the fuck has a major podcast and does “combative” interviews? He gets some big guests and let’s them speakz He lets them say what they wanna say and asks some questions and occasionally pushes back. The more he knows about a subject the more he’ll push back on. The dude covers such a wide array of topics, it would be impossible for him to be an expert on everything. At least one very good thing he’ll do is not get scared away by labels and allow both sides of almost every issue on his show and let them speak freely

The weird part is, Joe can be shitty to certain guests, but it's never for the right reasons. He was so oddly hostile to the scientologist guy that escaped one of the biggest cults on planet earth, squandering what could've been a compelling interview. Same sorta deal when he had Crowder on, though he was drinking heavily that entire show.

Could also be due to starting out extremely open minded, getting a show bugging his eyes out on Syfy and instantly shit talking anyone that goes against the "mainstream" opinion.

Not that I like listening to him but it's probably best that we stick to our own class of retard. Trying to roast one of the most popular podcast personalities to ever exist might not go well.

Good point as that level of scrutiny of this place would save nana 5 grand

As repetitive and devolved as joes show has gotten, he’s not going anywhere.

Criticizing him for defending Schumer when he was so adamant about despising joke stealers in the past would be worth mentioning as a side point in a larger Schumer video, but other than that I doubt there's many interesting things to say about Rogan.

Lol @ “the downfall”

Give it a year. Rogan hasn’t quite settled into his downfall yet

Nice thread that could have been a fucking DM, stupid.

He lets the guests talk...