Does anyone have a link to that hilarious post detailing all the trashy things Ant has done that make his retarded race obsession humorously delusional

1  2019-02-03 by quityourbullshit777

There was a post here but I can't find it, someone detailed in bulletpoints a total destruction of Ant with a list of all the things he has admitted to, not just stuff like vining a girl with braces and her being his only favourites but stuff he admitted on radio like him stealing out of houses he was working on, smoking crack with his family and the list just went on and on.

I just found it hilarious because if a thug stole out of his house he'd be bitching meanwhile him and bro jo would steal and rob and also move into houses rent then not pay rent and trash them and Brojo would scam people and steal ivory from his workplace. I just thought it was so incredible and then his pedophile tendencies to put the cherry on the cake

It's funny to juxtapose that with him screaming on the radio at black callers "THIRTEEN PERCENT OF THE POPULATION FIFTY PERCENT OF THE CRIME. .WHYYYYY!" meanwhile he's a massive scumbag thief arab looking cradle robber.

It's like when he talked about smoking crack but said it was "freebase" and different from what "the blacks" smoke. Totally delusional. Never seen a more fucked up talented guy less self aware and more twisted and unable to admit his own degeneracy.




Cheers for the link, that's not the exact post, it may have been a comment, some dude just dropped it like "daily reminder ants who family is more trashy than niggers" it was hilarious but it mostly focused on him doing ghetto shit not the kid diddling and pedo tendencies.

We could just do it again here for compilation:

Freebased with his family.

Convicted felon