Now THIS is comedy!

1  2019-02-03 by betamaxdrome


I don't want to click the video but it's interesting that he's wearing a suit. The cargo cult path to success

They just don't get it

I personally enjoyed when the crowd wooed at what amounted to Orange Man Bad.

he really held up a mirror to society

Nice applause breaks, stupid.

"He's just not qualified to be the president"

Well it was either the communist Jew or the woman, otherwise.

He's just not qualified to be the president

But the jug-eared nigger community organizer was. K.

horrible, even fuck politics for a minute, why is their applause breaks at a comedy show? embarrassing stuff

To paraphrase Norm "Just saying Drumpf, ammirite????" isn't a FUCKING COMEDY ROUTINE.

To paraphrase all sane people with a sense of humor including Norm.

If you need proof that standup comedy is a con, listen to the laughter after "says so much crazy shit". How is that funny, fresh, anything anyone hasn't heard at least once a week for the past 3 years?
