I hope everyone involved in this reddit faggotry gets aids with a toe trigger.

1  2019-02-03 by betamaxdrome


People just want to be a part of something. Anything.

They're replacing Jesus


Don't worry I used the official 2u twitter account to call them faggots.

Nah...my anger levels remain unchanged. Thankfully there is a lot of things in this modern world left to hate...this is not one of them

“Ma can I put this on the internet site I keep telling you about? I could really use the karma points so that when I jack off to r/gonewild later I’ll feel validated.” - A faggot.

someone from here should get involved, do one of these but hide dicks & swastikas in it

Almost as faggoty as aids and toe trigger insults. Seriously tho any other shock jock jokes you can squeeze in there while you're at it?

That's the joke stupid. Do you think you can fit a toe trigger on to AIDS? God damn retard.

Notice how all the women and faggy looking men have to preface their post with "kind of shitty but blah blah blah".


something incredible is happening on reddit. i'm tempted to say the n word