Trying to climb out of obscurity.

1  2019-02-03 by RBuddCumia


I used to broadcast my show from my home and the legion of skanks...

Legendary? LEGENDARY?

He's still hilarious. And legendary. Apparently. I wonder how much he had to pay Foxnews.


He used to bash Breitbart and refer to him as a kook. I'm betting he'll call him a great man on Greg's show.

Stern is legendary. Limbaugh is legendary. The only place this half-breed is considered legendary is in his own sick mind.

They have to lower the mic on a long rope to get it all the way down to him.


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Anthony is fucking finished

Ant burned his bridge with Breitbart when the show took a picture of Weiner’s dick pic and leaked it without Breitbart’s permission. Why out of all people would they bring Ant on?

  1. It hasn't sold well
  2. I got him killed
  3. I haven't been of the radio in 5 years