Brave Comedian Mocks Straight White Men (OR: How Every New Celebrated Comic is a Complete Hack)...

1  2019-02-03 by Every1ShouldBKilled


Always smell the jew or a faggot seething from their facial looks.

He's obviously making fun of (((those))) kinds of comics.

His Pryor impression is pretty good.

It really puts in perspective what a stupid formulaic gay nigger Pryor was

It's almost sour shoes quality.


I love this guy. I sit through that bullshit every night, fucking lazy cowards.

His Tru mp video is great too.

Wasn’t expecting that. Hilarious

Your handle says it all. Just burn it down.

5 Ezra Kleins. :)

Real talk though: Ezra Klein is one of the only SJW's in existence, that I would act like a complete madman toward, and try to actively fight in public. Like, to the point where I wouldn't be able to control myself from trying to fight AND kill him in the same moment I saw him.

Real talk though: Ezra Klein is one of the only SJW's in existence, that I would act like a complete madman toward - and try to actively fight - in public. the point where I wouldn't be able to control myself from trying to fight AND kill him in the same moment I saw him.

Most sane people don't get this upset over people they've never met. People like you are too fucking much to be around

I know, he really fries my oysters.